Team:DTU Denmark/notebookredoxilator


Revision as of 19:19, 20 October 2009 by Larsroenn (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to the DTU iGEM wiki!

Activities relating to our two sub-projects:

- The Redoxilator
- The USERTM assembly standard

Day-to-day activities

Activities relating to the redoxilator
July 20th

Construction of biobricks: The restriction products were evaluated on a 1% agarose gel (see figure 2).


Figure 2: Restriction analysis of the three biobricks. July 19th

Construction of biobricks: The three plasmids were purified according to the protocol (link to protocol). Following the purification of the plasmids, a restriction analysis was performed using SpeI enzyme (10U) and incubated at 37ºC overnight.

July 18th

Construction of biobricks: Some colonies were picked from the transformation plates and made overnight cultures in liquid media.

July 17th

Construction of biobricks:

July 16th

Construction of biobricks:

July 15th

Construction of biobricks:

July 14th

Construction of biobricks:

July 13th

Construction of biobricks:

Work process

Our team works parallel in smaller sub-teams. Some of us work hard in the lab, while others are in the process of developing software and the in silico model of the Redoxilator system. However, we constantly keep each other updated, and meet often to exchange ideas and take turns at the different tasks, thus exhausting all of our combined knowledge in every aspect of this project.

Comments or questions to the team? Please -- Comments of questions to webmaster? Please