Team:Newcastle/Meetings/22 May 2009


IGEM Meeting 22 May 2009

Attendees: Neil Wipat, Hennifer Hallinan, Goksel Misirli, Hang Zhao

Action Points

  • We want to find an answer to whether SigmaA is expressedin late sporulation stages. To find the answer we need to use microarray datasets specific for sporulation.
  • Assign PoPS for different SigmaA promoter using the microarray data. Hence we will have different sigmaA promoterw with different strength. It is difficult to say the promoter strength from a DNA sequence but microarray data can be used to assign relative PoPS then this criteria can be used to rank the promoters based on their strenghts.
  • Build a promoter libray by changing the flanking sites, by changing the consensus sequences
  • Add a column to the microarray data and display which sequences of sigmaA is being used.
  • Take the alignment and order from the strongest to the weakest
  • Use microarray data to define the consensus sequence for sigmaA
  • Survey of DNA synthesis.