Team:Imperial College London/Drylab/Autoinduction/Simulations


Revision as of 23:14, 30 September 2009 by Nuri (Talk | contribs)

Kompala et al simulations:
1. Variation in initial concentration of glucose in the medium with a very small concentration of secondary carbon source
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The larger the amount of glucose present immediately in the medium, the longer it takes for it to be used up and the population grows more before it reaches a point of saturation. This is an example of resource limited growth. It is not diauxic growth because there is a low concentration of secondary source, so it is not sufficient to start a second exponential growth phase in the bacterial population.
2. Fix the initial concentration of glucose in the medium and sweep through different initial concentrations of secondary carbon sources
II09 komfig2.jpg.jpg
Now, we fixed the primary source [Glu]= 1 and varied [S2] (Secondary source) from 1 to 6. The lower the amount of S2, the shorter the second exponential phase and faster saturation of cell growth.
3. Variation of initial concentration of e1 (enzyme metabolizing primary source S1-glucose)
II09 komfig3.jpg.jpg
As expected, a higher e1 concentration initially, means faster consumption of glucose so we hit the 2nd exponential phase quicker than with a low concentration of the enzyme. Furthermore, if there is less e1 initially, it takes longer to consume S2 by consequence, so we can see longer delays in reaching the lag phase, and consequently, the second exponential phase.

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