


We would like to say a huge THANK-YOU to the followings for their warm support to our team:

  • Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Baptist University for making our trip to MIT possible!
  • Department of Biochemistry, The University of Hong Kong for providing valuable lab spaces to us and tolerating our excess noises when performing labs!
  • Bio-Rad and Invitrogen for their generous financial support towards our research expenses.
  • Genestimes Technology for providing gifts to our Human Practice group.
  • Delta Airline for their sponsor on our air tickets.
  • Many postgraduates who have been suffocated by our numerous questions and requests.
  • Everyone who devoted their whole summer to this project. (It’s hard, you know!)
  • All the people who have helped us in any way throughout the past few months.
  • Everybody we missed above.

Last but not least, a massive THANK-YOU must be said to our supervisors, Dr. JD Huang, Dr. JJ Wang and Dr. YQ Song for their patience, help and many efforts they have offered during the past few months!
