Team:KULeuven/21 August 2009


Project progress

Progress of parts

[edit] Blue Light Receptor

[edit] Vanillin Production

  • Test 2: We loaded yesterday's restrictions on an agarose gel. It showed that the enzymes cut properly.

However, the EF results were unexpected. It seems that somehow the bacteria had taken in a self-closed ech-plasmid. The signals do not correspond with an EF-ligation product.

  • The DNA was purified from the gel

Nanodrop results:

Part ng/µl 260/280
sam8 2,5 1,14
sam5 7,9 1,60
ech 5,0 1,38
fcs 3,4 0,93
  • sam8 and sam5; fcs and ech were ligated

Used volumes:

Part µl
sam8 34
sam5 6,3
ech 10,0
fcs 35,8

[edit] Vanillin Receptor

  • TOPO cloning of W looks goods with clear white colonies. 5 colonies were selected and cultured for testing

[edit] Key/Lock/Anti-Key