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Sequencing Protocol
We use the Big Dye Sequencing system with using the following conditions.
- Prepare the following solution:
- 1.8ul 5 x B.D.3.1 buffer
- 0.4ul B.D.3.1.
- 6.3ul MilliQ
- 1ul 0.15ug/ul DNA
- 0.5ul 3.2pmol/ul primer
- Amplify using the following PCR program
- 96ºC 2min
- 96ºC 10sec
- 55ºC 5sec
- 60ºC 3min
- Repeat 2-4 29times
- 25ºC pause
- Add 0.5ul Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase
- Incubate at 37ºC for 1h
- Add 1ul of 3M KOAc or NaOAc
- Mix and transfer to 1.5ml eppendorf
- Add 25ul of 100% EtOH and mix well
- Spin for 10min at 20,000g, 4ºC
- Discard supernatant and dry pellet
- Add 15ul of HiDi Buffer
- Transfer to PCR tubes to sequence (use the sequencer in the lab)