Team:Wisconsin-Madison/Preparation of Competent Cells
Transformation of Plasmids into Competent Cells The process consists of growing cells to mid-log stage, harvesting, and performing multiple washes with sterile 10% glycerol to remove salts which interfere with electroporation.
1) Spin the chilled culture at 8,000 rpm, 10 minutes, 2 degrees C (use four 250 ml centrifuge bottles). Remove the supernate carefully. Save the pellets. 2) Resuspend all four pellets in a total volume of 200 ml cold 10% glycerol. Combine all resuspended pellets in one 250 ml centrifuge bottle. 3) Spin at 8,000 rpm, 10 minutes. Remove the supernate carefully. 4) Resuspend pellet in 150 ml cold 10% glycerol. 5) Spin at 8,000 rpm, 10 minutes. Remove the supernate carefully. 6) Resuspend pellet in 100 ml cold 10% glycerol. 7) Spin at 8,000 rpm, 10 minutes. Remove the supernate carefully. 8) To the pellet, add 2 ml 10% glycerol. Resuspend carefully with a 1 ml Pipetteman. 9) Transfer 110 ul of resuspended cells into cold***(-70C) 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes. 10) Transfer immediately to a -70C freezer (Do not use liquid nitrogen). 11) Freeze overnight before using cells.