Eventually this will get formatted differently, but until then...
New practices for this year:
In order to better preserve our 2009 parts library, whenever you use a new BioBrick, remove the 15uL of water that you resuspended with, transfer it to a PCR tube, and store in the iGEM 2009 box at -20. Also make sure to list whatever parts you pull on this notebook page. (And, of course, make glycerol stocks of every part that you pull from the registry.
5/23/09 Thomas Pulled parts: (Tail switching) BBa_I719005 - T7 promoter BBa_I719015 - T7 promoter test circuit with GFP BBa_B0034 - Strong RBS BBa_B0015 - commonly used strong forward terminator BBa_B1006 - new, strong forward terminator (Tet selection) pSB4K5 - low copy Kan vector (Part for Dr. Beason) BBa_J45200 from the 2009 library plates.
Used 1uL of each to HS transform into XL1 competent cells.