

Revision as of 17:25, 19 October 2009 by Ashley.duncan (Talk | contribs)



BBa_K249002: Lumazine Synthase - Lumazine Synthase is an enzyme which creates Lumazine, a product which aggregates forming a hollow spheroid which can act as a mirocompartment, or artificial organelle. The Lumazine forms negatively charged pores, which can be used to introduce proteins. The proteins which are being introduced into the microcompartment must be equipped with an Arginine Tag. This is a protein coding part. Submitted

Lumazine Synthase2.png

BBa_K249004: N-terminal Arginine Fusion vector - pSB1A3 with an N-terminal Arginine tag. This particular plasmid utilizes the BioFusion (aka Silver Lab) Standard for BioBrick assembly at the suffix, and the regular BioBrick standard at the prefix. Adds 10 Arginine residues to the N-terminus of a Protein (includes Start Codon AUG). This part is meant to work in conjunction with the Lumazine synthase microcompartment. Protein with the N-terminal Arginine fusion will be localized into the negative core of the Lumazine microcompartments. Submitted

Nterm Arg2.png

BBa_K249005: C-terminal Arginine fusion vector - pSB1A3 with an C-terminal Arginine tag. This particular plasmid utilizes the BioFusion (aka Silver Lab) Standard for BioBrick assembly at the prefix and the regular Biobrick standard at the suffix. Adds 10 Arginine residues to the C-terminus of a Protein (Includes Stop Codon) This part is meant to work in conjunction with the Lumazine synthase microcompartment. Protein with the N-terminal Arginine fusion will be localized into the negative core of the Lumazine microcompartments. Submitted

Cterm Arg2.png

Individual Parts

BBa_K249006: Fusion EYFP with C-terminal Arginine Tag - This is a composite part. This Yellow Fuorescent Protein has a C-terminal fusion suffix (BioFusion AKA Silver Lab standard) and is ready to be fused to the C-terminal Arginine tag. This part has a ribosomal binding site. Submitted

EYFPCtermfusion standard.png

BBa_K249007: Fusion CFP with C-terminal Arginine Tag - This is a composite part. This cyan Fluorescent protein has a c-terminal fusion suffix (BioFusion AKA Silver Lab standard) and is ready to be fused to the C-terminal Arginine tag. This part has the pTet promoter and a ribosomal binding site. In progress

CFPCtermfusion standard.png

BBa_K249008: Fusion EYFP with N-terminal Arginine Tag - This is a composite part. This Yellow Fuorescent Protein has a N-terminal fusion prefix (BioFusion AKA Silver Lab standard) and is ready to be fused to the N-terminal Arginine tag. This part has a double terminator. Submitted

YFP Nterm Fusion.png

BBa_K249009: Fusion ECFP with N-terminal Arginine Tag - This is a composite part. This Cyan fluorescent protein has an N-terminal fusion prefix (BioFusion AKA Silver Lab standard) and is ready to be fused to the N-terminal Arginine tag. This part has a double terminator. In progress

N-term fusion CFP.png

BBa_K249016: mms6 - This is a protein coding region. The mms6 enzyme from Magnetospirillum magneticum has been shown to produce uniform Magnetite nanoparticles when in the presence of an Iron Chloride based solution. Submitted BBa_K249026 : Theophylline Riboswitch - This is an improvement on the Theophylline Riboswitch submitted by the University of Lethbridge 2007 iGEM team. The theophylline Riboswitch binds to Theophylline in a specific manner to induce transcription of an mRNA. Submitted


BBa_K249029: rpsA TIR - This part is a key regulatory element for use in the cell when under stressful conditions. This Piece of RNA allows the mRNA transcript to bypass some of the Initiation factors generally required for Ribosome recruitment. Cancelled

BBa_K249026 : Theophylline Riboswitch - This is an improvement on the Theophylline Riboswitch submitted by the University of Lethbridge 2007 iGEM team. The theophylline Riboswitch binds to Theophylline in a specific manner to induce transcription of an mRNA. Submitted



BBa_K249000: Tet Repressible YFP - This is the Yellow Fluorescent Protein from the Registry (RET) which has been modified with a Tetracycline promoter in order to be (PRET). This is a composite part. Submitted

BBa_K249001: Arabinose Induced Inverter - The Tetracycline Inverted has been equipped with the pBAD promoter to allow for Arabinose induced Inversion of which part has been tagged on afterwards. This is a composite part. Submitted

BBa_K249003: Lumazine Synthase - This is the Composite Part which creates the enzyme Lumazine Synthase. Lumazine SYnthase generates the product Lumazine which aggregates together to form a microcompartment, or synthetic organelle. The microcompartment has large negatively charged pores through which proteins containing positely charged Arginine Tags may be targetted. This is a composite part. In progress

BBa_K249010: C-terminal Yellow Fluorescent Protein with tetracycline promoter - This is a composite part. This Yellow fluorescent Protein has been fused with a c-terminal Arginine tag (10 Additional Arginine residues at the c-terminus) and has been fixed with a tetracycline promoter, mRBS, and double terminator. In progress

BBa_K249011: C-terminal Cyan Fluorescent Protein with tetracycline promoter - This is a composite part. This Cyan Fluorescent Protein has been fused with a c-terminal Artginine tag (10 additioncal arginine residues at the c-terminus) and has been fixed with a tetracycline promoter, mRBS and double terminator. In progress

BBa_K249012: N-terminal Yellow fluorescent protein with tetracycline promoter - This is a composite part. This Yellow fluorescent Protein has been fused with an N-terminal Arginine tag (10 Additional Arginine residues at the N-terminus) and has been fixed with a tetracycline promoter, mRBS, and double terminator. In progress

BBa_K249013: N-terminal Cyan fluorescent protein with tetracycline promoter - This is a composite part. This Cyan fluorescent Protein has been fused with an N-terminal Arginine tag (10 Additional Arginine residues at the N-terminus) and has been fixed with a tetracycline promoter, mRBS, and double terminator. In progress

BBa_K249014: C-terminal Yellow fluorescent protein with tetracycline inverter - Arabinose repressible Tetracycline inversion of YFP with C-terminal Fusion Arganine Tag for targetting into Lumazine Microcompartment. Has a medium RBS and a double terminator. Submitted

BBa_K249015: C-terminal Cyan fluorescent protein with tetracycline inverter - Arabinose repressible Tetracycline inversion of CFP with C-terminal Fusion Arganine Tag for targetting into Lumazine Microcompartment. Has a medium RBS and a double terminator. In progress

BBa_K249017: N-terminal Yellow fluorescent protein with tetracycline inverter - Arabinose repressible Tetracycline inversion of YFP with N-terminal Fusion Arganine Tag for targetting into Lumazine Microcompartment. Has a medium RBS and a double terminator. Submitted

BBa_K249018: N-terminal Cyan fluorescent protein with tetracycline inverter - Arabinose repressible Tetracycline inversion of CFP with N-terminal Fusion Arganine Tag for targetting into Lumazine Microcompartment. Has a medium RBS and a double terminator. In progress

BBa_K249019: Magnetite nanoparticle Device - This is a composite part. The mms6 enzyme from Magnetospirillum magneticum has been shown to produce uniform Magnetite nanoparticles when in the presence of an Iron Chloride based solution. The coding region has been equipped with an IPTG inducible promoter, strong RBS and double terminator. In progress

BBa_K249020: Targetted C-terminal CFP and Lumazine Synthase - This is a composite part. This is device has been designed to show the localization of the Cyan fluoresencent Protein with C-terminal Arginine tag into the Lumazine Microcompartment. In progress

BBa_K249021: Targetted C-terminal YFP and Lumazine Synthase - This is a composite part. This is device has been designed to show the localization of the yellow fluoresencent Protein with C-terminal Arginine tag into the Lumazine Microcompartment. In progress

BBa_K249022: Targetted N-terminal CFP and Lumazine Synthase - This is a composite part. This is device has been designed to show the localization of the Cyan fluoresencent Protein with N-terminal Arginine tag into the Lumazine Microcompartment. In progress

BBa_K249023: Targetted N-terminal YFP and Lumazine Synthase - This is a composite part. Thisi s device has been designed to show the localization of the yellow fluoresencent Protein with N-terminal Arginine tag into the Lumazine Microcompartment. In progress

BBa_K249024: Targetted C-terminal CFP and targetted C-terminal YFP and Lumazine Synthase - This is a composite part. This is device has been designed to show the co-localization of the Cyan fluoresencent Protein and Yellow fluorescent protein both equipped with C-terminal Arginine tag into the Lumazine Microcompartment. In progress

BBa_K249025: Targetted N-terminal CFP and targetted N-terminal YFP and Lumazine Synthase - This is a composite part. This is device has been designed to show the co-localization of the Cyan fluoresencent Protein and Yellow fluorescent protein both equipped with N-terminal Arginine tag into the Lumazine Microcompartment. In progress

BBa_K249027: Theophylline Induced GFP - GFP is controlled translationally by the Theophylline Riboswitch. When Theophylline is present, the Riboswitch undergoes a conformational change to reveal the RBS, allowing production of GFP. In progress

BBa_K249028: Theophylline Induced Chemotaxis - Chemotaxis by cheZ is controlled translationally by the Theophylline Riboswitch. When Theophylline is present, the Riboswitch undergoes a conformational change to reveal the RBS, allowing the production of cheZ, a key regulatory element in the motility pathway. Submitted

BBa_K249030: rpsA TIR controlled GFP - Green Fluorescent Protein expression is controlled by the rpsA TIR which allows for the protein to be expressed under stressful cellular conditions Cancelled

Intermediate Parts

BBa_S04259: Lumazine-dT : This is the Lumazine coding region with a double terminator. Composed of K249002:B0015 Submitted

BBa_S04560: sRBS-Lumazine-dT : This is the Lumazine coding region with w strong RBS and double terminator. Composed of B0030:K249002:B0015 In progress

BBa_S04561: C-terminal-dT : This is the C-terminal Arginine fusion vector with a double terminator added to it. Composed of K249005:B0015 Submitted

BBa_S04562: mRBS-N-terminal : This is the N-terminal Arginine fusion vector with a medium RBS added to it. Composed of B0032:K249004 Submitted

BBa_S04563: GFP-dT: This is an improvement to a part already in the registry. We felt it necessary to remake this part since we had some trouble with it in 2008, and there was no evidence that anyone had ever had success with it on the registry. Composed of E0040:B0015 Submitted

BBa_S04564: fusion EYFP-dT: This is the yellow fluorescent protein with the C-terminal Arginine tag, a double terminator has been added on to the end. Composed of K249006:K249005:B0015 Submitted

BBa_S04565: fusion ECFP-dT: This is the cyan fluorescent protein with the C-terminal Arginine tag, a double terminator has been added on to the end. Composed of K249007:K249005:B0015 In progress

BBa_S04566: mRBS-Nterminal EYFP: This is the yellow fluorescent protein with the N-terminal Arginine tag, a medium RBS has been added. Composed of B0032:K249004:K249008 Submitted

BBa_S04567: mRBS-N-terminal ECFP: This is the cyan fluorescent protein with the N-terminal Arginine tag, a medium RBS has been added. Composed of B0032:K249004:K249007 In progress

BBa_S04568: mms6-dT: This is the mms6 gene from magnetospirillum magneticum which produces magnetite nanoparticles. It has been equipped with a double terminator. Composed of K249016:B0015 Submitted

BBa_S04569: sRBS-mms6-dT: This is the mms6 gene from magnetospirillum magneticum which produces magnetite nanoparticles. It has been equipped with a double terminator and a strong RBS. Composed of B0030:K249016:B0015 In progress

BBa_S04570: Riboswitch-GFP-dT: This is the theophylline Riboswitch (which acts as an alternative RBS) which has been equipped with the fluorescent reported GFP and a double terminator. Composed of K249026:E0040:B0015 Submitted

BBa_S04571: cheZ-dT: This is a composite part in the motility pathway. Composed from the 2008 Lethbridge teams cheZ submission and a double terminator. Composed of K149000:B0015 Submitted

BBa_S04572: Riboswitch-cheZ-dT: This is the theophylline riboswitch (which acts as an alternative RBS) which has been equipped with the cheZ motility gene and a double terminator. Composed of K249026:K149000:B0015 Submitted

BBa_S04573: rpsA TIR-GFP-dT: This is the rspA TIR equipped with the fluorescent reporter gene GFP and a double terminator. Composed of K249029:E0030:B0015 Cancelled