Team:Imperial College London/Temporal Control
Temporal Control
Engineering approach to temporal control
This temporal control platform showcases our engineering approach in the E.ncapsulator project. We’ve made our entire system modular. Each module can essentially be pictured as a blackbox with one temporal control input and one output. Therefore, each module is linked to the next module by temporal control. Temporal control has allowed us to create a system that can be reused in other projects in synthetic biology. It is in fact a novel engineering approach that is both reusable and elegant.
In our temporal control system, we have employed 3 kinds of temporal control:
- Chemoinduction:
Production of the protein of interest is triggered by the addition of a chemical.
In our case, we have chosen IPTG. IPTG will be added when the cell density is deemed sufficient for protein production (Module 1) to begin.
- Autoinduction:
When glucose levels have fallen to nearly 0, encapsulation (Module 2) will begin automatically in response.
In our case, this will allow a sufficient amount of protein production to have taken place, before the cell focuses its resources on encapsulation.
- Thermoinduction:
Genome deletion is triggered by the increase of temperature. This is the last step of the temporal control system.
In our case, thermoinduction was necessary, as chemical induction may be blocked by the presence of the capsule (that inhibits diffusion).
The idea to link each module by a temporal control is developed such that we can use adapt this method other systems, by simply changing the contents of the blackboxes / modules.
To explore more on temporal control, please click on the tabs at the bottom of the page. You can also visit this page to explore the timeline of the system with regards to temporal control.
Project Tour
For more details of the temporal control of the system, see the tabs below.
Temporal Control Contents