

Revision as of 15:57, 5 August 2009 by MikeDavies (Talk | contribs)

{{Template:Cambridge2}} =Sponsors= It is fair to say that without our sponsors the Cambridge iGEM team would have had a much harder time getting anything done. The people we would escpecially like to thank for their enthusiasm and support of the Cambridge team are: {| style="background-color:transparent" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="8" | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo1.png |200px]] || '''Renata Almeida''' at ['''Bioline'''] for T-shirt sponsorship and molecular biology products. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo2.png |200px]] || '''Euan Forbes''' and '''Charlotte Batley''' (formerly) at [ '''Fermentas'''] for Fast Digest enzymes, ligases, ladders and T-shirt sponsorship. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo3.png |200px]] || '''David Laflin''' and '''Dominic Hogan''' at [ '''Fisher Scientific'''] for chemicals, plasticware and lab consumables. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo4.png |200px]] || '''Suravi Chatterjee''', '''Rosemary Sinclair''' and '''Chris Uff''' at [ '''VWR'''] for the molecular biology chemicals. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo5.png |200px]]
[[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo8.png |200px]] || Everybody at ['''Labtech International'''], in particular '''Glynis Johnson''' and '''Rachel Keevil''' for the loan of a Piko thermal cycler, plus [ Finnzymes] Phusion DNA polymerase mixes and a Nanodrop 2000. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo6.png |200px]] || '''Ya-Chi Chen''' at [ '''Clontech'''] for the In-Fusion Advantage kit, competent cells and chemicals. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo7.png |200px]] || '''Hilde Moseby''' at [ '''Starlab'''] for a huge resource of pipette tips and PCR tubes. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo9.png |200px]] || '''Jeremy Minshull''' and colleagues at [ '''DNA2.0'''] for Biobrick DNA synthesis. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo10.png |200px]] || '''Lauren Dyer''' and '''John Pickering''' at [ '''Sterilin'''] for the large supply of microbiological sterile plasticware. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo11.png |200px]]
[[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo12.png |200px]] || '''Stephanie McHugh''' at [ '''Source BioScience''']/[ '''Geneservice'''] for organising free DNA sequencing. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo14.png |200px]]
[[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo13.png |200px]] || '''James Newton''' and '''Phil Dobson''' at [ '''Cambridge Biosciences'''] for providing Zymo Research DNA clean up, extraction and plasmid prep kits. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo15.png |200px]]
[[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo16.png |200px]] || '''Nina Markillie''' at [ '''GRI'''] for loan of a [ GeneTechnologies G-storm] PCR machine and free KAPA DNA polymerase. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo17.png |200px]] || '''Alex Orda''' at [ '''Anachem'''] for the supply of Earthsaver pipette tips. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo18.png |200px]] || '''Miles Collier''' at [ '''Invitrogen'''] for supplying the E-gel system with E-gels and loan of a Blue light transilluminator. |- | [[Image:Cambridge Sponsor Logo19.png |200px]] || [ '''New England Biosciences'''] for T-shirt sponsorship. |} testing randomiser:

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And finally a massive big Thank You to Duncan Rowe who helped us tremendously with organising sponsorship.
