Team Meeting and Lab Clean Up
- Spent morning discussing ethics.
- Lab clean up
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Team Meeting, Lab Cleanup and Ethics
- Lab Meeting: Discussed Ethics Conference and paper
- Lab Cleanup in the afternoon
- Worked on our ethics rough draft. I read over some ethics reports form last year (Heidelberg and TUDelft) to get some ideas for format/ structure. I re-wrote the introduction that we used for our last ethics assignment for AIF to have a better explanation of synthetic biology and our project in general. Fahd and I divided up sections to look at and add to this weekend (Economics and Legal for me and Social and environmental for Fahd) and then we will send it to Stefan to tie things together and make it more unified. We made a list of few papers that will be helpful in doing this. I also typed up some of my lab notebook to be used on the Wiki.
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The note cards for the ligation activity for molecular cloning have been created, consisting of parts from the registry:
- J13002 – promoter + rbs
- B0015 - terminator
I also made up a note card for a gene that was selected for one of the missions in the lab (AFP Gene) as well as note cards to give for each step of construction. Now I am in the process of renaming everything for restriction digest, phosphatase treatment and construction to work using these note cards and creating the substrings within the master note cards that I will need to compare with the note cards dropped into each object used for construction.
I also created a DNA polymerase for the DNA replication display that will move in a straight line and nucleotides will appear behind it as it moves. I also made a backbone for the strand that I was trying to create, but the backbone attached to each individual nucleotide does not line up perfectly together yet even though they are the exact same size so I will have to go back to the polymerase script to change the position that the nucleotides are rezzed at. I am aware that nucleotides are not produced by the DNA polymerase, but it is the only way to get the nucleotides to the position I want easily and it is hard to tell that they appear out of the DNA polymerase anyway. I am working on setting the position of the polymerase to a section on the leading strand of DNA that I also finished constructing today. I have also made helicase and DNA ligase, which presently do not do anything, but I will start working on the other enzyme’s functionality once I get the DNA polymerase running smoothly.
1. Sequencing
After today’s meeting, I have sent Pqrr4+I13500 for sequencing with BBK CP F/R sequencing primers to verify if it is actually in the plasmid. After the verification, I will make it competent again so that Emily can test her mutants. It has been sent before 1pm, so I am hoping to get it by Monday.
2. Lab clean up
After lunch, we had a huge clean up time, as our lab was getting dirtier every day.
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Decisions, Decisions
Today was mostly meeting...
BUT our team decided on a bunch of Second Life stuff afterward. The
most important part was deciding what to teach people when they first
come to our island. In particular: flying, teleporting, opening your
own and other object inventories, and manipulating objects. Some of
these would be taught on the starting island, and others will be
taught in the Synthetic Kingdom (for practice). For example, you click
on a jellyfish to receive GFP and then open the inventory of a
bacteria, put it in, and then the bacteria glows. Speaking of that
wacky place, we brainstormed some rough ways to structure it. I think
it is still a good idea to have all the bacteria floating around to
give it a sense of awe, however, it could benefit from a path. This
would make it very similar to a zoo exhibition.
The path would preferably be lighted for maximum awesomeness
and each "station" would hold a different engineered bacteria. There
would also be signs pointing the way and a little notecard giver that
would give you more information.
This weekend will spent on the paper. Emily and Fahd were working on
it today and I'll complete it on Sunday.
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