Team:USTC Software/Standard


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The Angle

Devices by parts are constructed in a uniform way that is based on certain kind of biochemical reactions. The different responses to the same stimuli among these devices are due to the kinetic parameters which have close correlation with inherent chemical and physical property of parts particularly by directed evolution in project of USTC wet team.

Here, we propose a new silico based standard for biobricks to facilitate the application in computer. We name it E-bricks in reciprocal to the concept of Biobrick. By applying our methods reversely to model devices on concerning static and dynamical properties, ODE model or frequency domain transfer function is established that is easy to drag and plug on a laptop like engineer did on CAD software.

However, we are not only concerning on the simulation level but design issues: how to arrange existing device to construct a system that exhibit desired function.

Thanks to the concept proposed by [endy_nbt], we try to establish a datasheet like the one in this paper. Considering the limit of current biobricks database, it is hard to construct sufficient and large database. While our USTC wet team is putting effort to following that standard, it’s lucky for us to obtain raw data that satisfies our model requirement. It is also be of great honor to assist our wet team.

In this example, we investigate

First of all, we shall clarify that, being dedicated to dry lab experiments, we naturally doesn't have as many incarnated Bio-Parts as usual wet labs do. But we know how to make

Our Proposal

Automatic Biological Circuits Design
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Teaching Affair Office, USTC

School of Life Sicences, USTC

Foreign Affair Office, USTC

Graduate School, USTC

School of Information Science and Technology, USTC

School for the Gifted Young, USTC