Transformation of Week-long ligation (pCS26+sig70) and Quick Ligase product (pCS26+R0040)
- Transformed week-long ligation (pCS26+sig70) and Quick ligated product(pCS26+R0040) into XL Gold compotent cells and plated on Kan plates.
Paper Reading
Today I spent some time researching possible applications for Lux0D47E for the Discussion section of my paper. I also read some Ethics papers to add on to our Ethics paper.
cl lambda overnights
Set up overnights to be induced with IPTG at mid-exponential phase.
Back to Marketing
I spent a few hours research some new companies. Since we had contacted and received feedback from almost all of our previous list of companies, Fahd and I made a new list of Bio-tech and pharmaceutical companies. I was trying to see how our project may be beneficial to these companies in the future and how I can sell to them.
I edited my former emails to tailor it to the specific companies that I will be contacting from this list. I also added a few lines relating to which aspect or project (of the company) would benefit most from our research.
Path Complete!
So I've finished that path today. It loops all around the Synthetic Kingdom and goes to a staircase that eventually leads to land. This staircase was placed in a crevasse that was meticulously terraformed in the land. There's some effects and colored seaweed in there but nothing too fancy. It will likely be used as a corridor to showcase previous iGEM projects if time allows.