Phosphatase treatment is now being combined with the restriction digest activity so I moved some of the script that was within the recipient tube for restriction digest, into the phosphatase treatment script and had to add new sections to the recipient tube so that the product you receive has to be taken to phosphatase treatment manually, before an avatar may receive the proper product to begin construction. This required the new method of searching for inventory, which is much more effective.
I completed instructions for the bacterial transformation activity and it was discovered that some of the items our avatars were using for PCR were named incorrectly, which was causing some major issues with testing out the equipment so those items have been renamed and the machine is in the process of being test once again.
I was also able to test the DNA extraction activity and it functions correctly as long as you follow the instructions provided throughout the activity. To improve upon it, we will have to get the objects to communicate with each other, which I have now started and the constant messaging would have to be reset for all steps within the product tube.
Since I find that the restriction digest is not unique compared to the other activity, tomorrow I believe that instead of moving the tube form water bath to heating block automatically, I will: