Team:Aberdeen Scotland/notebook/lacilatch


Revision as of 12:52, 10 August 2009 by Dan (Talk | contribs)

University of Aberdeen iGEM 2009


LacI-Latch Notebook

Week 1: Research and Planning (08/06/09 - 12/06/09)

Day 1 Monday (08/06/09)

  • Researching the Registry for Biobricks
    • Identified K182022, K112808, R0062, I712074, I14015 for further disccusion.

Day 2 Tuesday (09/06/09)

  • Researching the Registry for Plasmids.
    • Identified pSB3T5, pSB3C5, pSB1AC3, pSB1AT3 for further discusion.

Day 3 Wednesday (10/06/09)

  • Literature search for Parameters of T7 promoter and the Holin system.
    • Conlusion: T7 feedback mechanism of Wiring diagram 1 is unliekly to be functional without further regulations.
    • Identified the novagen plasmids pLysS and pLysE as possible solutions.

  • Researching the Registry for LacI Repressor and T7 Polymerase
    • Identified K145014, K145001, I732100 for further discusion

Day 4 Thursday (11/06/09)

  • Parameter search for the Modeling effort.

Day 5 Friday (12/06/09)

  • End of week meeting
  • Discussion and planning of following week

Week 2: BioBrick Rescue (15/06/09 - 19/06/09)

Day 1 Monday (15/06/09)

  • Prepared LB medium for Lab

  • Planning of LacI-Latch

  • Inoculated J23100, K145001, B0034 for Miniprep the following day

Day 2 Tuesday (16/06/09)

  • Miniprep of J23100, K145001, B0034

  • Restriction Digest

Day 3 Wednesday (17/06/09)

  • Lambda Digest with HindIII for use as a Ladder

  • Gel Electrophoresis of B0034, K145001, J23100, I732100.

Day 4 Thursday (18/06/09)

  • Gel Electrophoresis of C0051, R0062, C0040, J37033, K145001, I732100.

  • Innoculation of C0051, R0062, J37033, I732100 or miniprep.

Day 5 Friday (19/06/09)

  • Miniprep of C0051, R0062, J37033, I732100.

  • End of week meeting

Week 3: Edinburgh iGEM meeting and BioBrick Rescuing (22/06/09 - 26/06/09)

Day 1 Monday (22/06/09)

  • Rescued BBa_1732820, S03518, B0030

Day 2 Tuesday (23/06/09)


  • Research for Plasmids and J series Promoters

  • Rescued and Transformed Psb4k4 and Psb3K5.

  • Restriction Digest of B0015, R0040, E0840, R0011, K093005, R0051, K081008, J37033, R0062,


  • Edinburgh Igem Meeting

Day 3 Wednesday (24/06/09)


  • Gel Electrophoresis of B0015, R0040, E0840, R0011, K093005, R0051, K081008, J37033, R0062,


  • Edinburgh Igem Meeting

Day 4 Thursday (25/06/09)


  • Gel Electrophoresis of K112808, K112022, I732100


  • Edinburgh Igem Meeting

Day 5 Friday (26/06/09)

  • Restriction Digest of E0840

  • Gel Electrophoresis of E0840

  • End of week meeting

Week 4: Analysis of BioBrick's for Cloning (29/06/09 - 03/07/09)

Day 1 Monday

  • Run Gel of E0840 ( Testing of digests)

  • Innoculate for miniprep.
    • I732820 (LacI,) R0051 (CI operator), S03518 ( TetR), K112808 ( Holin), PSB3k3, PSB3T5.

  • Rescue I13600 and I13601
    • Required for testing of constructs

Day 2 Tuesday

  • Miniprep
    • I732820 (LacI) R0051 (CI operator) S03518 ( TetR) K112808 ( Holin) PSB3k3, PSB3T5.

  • Planning for Restriction digest
    • R0051, S03518, R0040, PSB3k3, I732820.

  • Restriction Digest
    • R0051, S03518, R0040, PSB3k3, I732820.

  • Gel Electrophoresis
    • R0051, S03518, R0040, PSB3k3, I732820.

  • Transformation (using XL1-Blue)
    • I13600, I13601
      • Result : Failed (no growth)

  • Innoculation for Miniprep
    • PSB4K5, PSB3K3

Day 3 Wednesday

  • Miniprep
    • PSB4K5, PSB3K3

  • Restriction Digest
    • PSB4k5, PSB3K3, S03518, R0040

  • Gel electrophoresis
    • PSB4K5, PSB3K3, S03518, R0040

  • Innoculate for Miniprep
    • PSB1AT3, PSB1AC3

Day 4 Thursday

  • Transformation (using Xl1-Blue)
    • I13600 and I13601
      • Result : Worked

  • Gel Electrophoresis
    • R0040

  • Incoculate for Miniprep
    • PSB3AT3, PSB3AC3

Day 5 Friday

  • Miniprep
    • PSB3AT3, PSB3AC3

  • End of week meeting

Week 5 : Construction of K182001 and K182002 (05/07/09 - 10/07/09)

Day 1 Monday (06/07/09)

  • Gel Electrophoresis
    • I732820 (LacI), R0040 (Tet O), PSB1AC3, PSB1AT3,

  • Ligation calculation.

  • Inoculation for Miniprep
    • I13600 and I13601

  • Heat inactivation of week 4 Friday digestions.

  • Preparation of LB medium and LB agar medium.

  • Added BioBricks to the Wiki
    • BBa_K182001 and BBa_K182002

Day 2 Tuesday (07/07/09)

  • Alkaline phosphatise treatment of PSB1AC3

  • Plasmid Miniprep
    • I13600 and I13601

  • Pouring of 15 Chlorampenicol plates

  • Ligation
    • PSB1AC3(Plasmid Backbone +RFP -CCDB), I732820 (LacI)(Upstream), R0040 (Tet O)(downstream)

      • The succesful ligation would create the intermediate BioBrick K182001

  • Transforming Ligated plasmid into XL1-Blue.

Day 3 Wednesday(08/07/09)

  • Restriction digest
    • S03518, K112808, I13600 and I13601.

  • Gel Electrophoresis
    • S03518, K112808, I13600 and I13601
  • Made Colony counts for K182001.

  • Transferred 50 colonies of K182001 for color screening

Day 4 Thursday (09/07/09)

  • Digestion for ligating of K182002
    • S03518 and R0051

  • Gel Electrophoresis for S03518 and R0051

Day 5 Friday (10/07/09)

  • Preparation for ligation.
  • Preperation for PCR
  • Write Up
  • Friday Meeting

Week 6 (13/07/09 - 16/07/09)

Day 1 Monday (13/07/09)

  • Heat Inactivation
    • Digestions of S03518 , R0051

  • Alkaline phosphatase treatment
    • 20ul pSB1AC
      • Heat inactivation of Alkaline phosphatase

  • Pouring of 15 Chlorampenicol plates

  • Construction of K182002
    • Ligation
      • pSB1AC3 (plasmid Backbone) + S03518 (downstream) , R0051 (upstream)
    • Transformation into XL1-Blue.

  • Colony PCR
    • K182001 (16 colonies)
    • Gel Electrophoresis
      • Result : Failed (no bands on gel) (possibly due to problem with tubes used?)
  • Requested Parts from the registry
    • BBa_J37032 and pSB3K5.

Day 2 Tuesday (14/07/09)

  • Colony PCR (Stansfield lab PCR machine)
    • K182001 (16 colonies)
    • Gel Electrophoresis of PCR
      • Result : Succesfull.

  • Cell counts of K182002

  • Transferred 50 colonies of K182002 for color screening

Day 3 Wednesday (15/07/09)

  • Write up + organisation.

  • Colony PCR (Stansfield lab PCR machine)
    • K182002 (16 colonies)

  • Took pictures of I13600, I13601 under flurescent Microscope
    • Expected Results : I13600 Positive, I13601 Negative (due to LacI repression in XL1-blue
    • Results : I13600 Positive (unambiguous fluorescence observed), I13601 Negative (no flurescence observed)

  • Innoculation for Miniprep
    • K182001

  • Research for Digestion sites in K182001 and K182002 to confirm inserts.

Day 4 Thursday (16/07/09)

  • Miniprep
    • K182001 (Colonies 6,7 and 9)

  • Gel electrophoresis
    • PCR from K182002

  • Restriction Digest
    • K182001 (Colonies 6,7,9,10) and K182002 (Colonies 7,9,10,11)

  • Restriction Digest for 1ml Lambda Ladder

  • 1600ml (4x400ml) of Lb+Agar and 400ml of LB

  • Gel Electrophoresis
    • K182001 (Colonies 6,7,9,10) and K182002 (Colonies 7,9,10,11)

Day 5 Friday (17/07/09)

  • Friday Meeting

  • Handover to from Ian to Russell and Claudia

  • Maths tutorial for better understanding of Modeling methodes.

Week 7 (20/07/09 - 24/07/09)

Week 8 (27/07/09 - 31/07/09)

Week 9 (03/08/09 - 07/08/09)

Week 10 (10/08/09 - 14/08/09)

Week 11 (17/08/09 - 21/08/09)