Wiki Update and Emailing Contacts
- Emailed one of the authors for the sigma 70 promoter library paper (Kanti) to ask for some protocol clarifications
- Updated wiki notebook
- Gave detailed protocol for Jamie and Emily in building sigma 70 promoter so that they can work on the library while I'm gone next week
- This morning, Kevin and I have simulated the signalling system in Simbiology via ODE 45 and stochastic way. Although the values (parameters) are not correct, the behaviour is correct.
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CJSW Interview and Marketing Blog
Today I started my day by writing up a blog for the marketing team. The blog summarized are marketing team activity for the past two weeks. I included events such as Bake sale and the Oil Sands tour and our new sponsors (VWR Scientific and Corning Life Sciences). The blog has been posted on www.igemcalgary.blogspot.com .
I also prepared for our radio interview with our University of Calgary Community Radio Station (C JSW 90.9). Some of the things we discussed with Joe Burima (the radio jockey) included such as details about iGEM, Synthetic Biology and our project. I want to sincerely thank CJSW and Joe for their support and time.
Making a movie/animation for complete cascade when AI2 is present/not present. We are also working on our paper to be handed out tomorrow.
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One of those days.
Accomplishments today were a bit of a mixed bag:
- Did some planning for what time I have left to spend on the second life island this summer, and planned out which sections I want to complete.
- Couriered a Biobrick to another iGEM team. Waited on the phone with DHL for twenty minutes to find out what one has to do to ship DNA internationally. Gold medal, here we come!
- Helped Mandy sketch some of the buttons, for the Biobrick simulator UI.
- Set up a computer with some microscope camera software for some other students sharing our lab space.
- Finally found a couple of hours to accomplish something! Wrote the last code for the Biobricker, which is virtually complete now.
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