Gel Extraction of luxCDABE
- The main purpose of gel extraction is to ensure that only luxCDABE is present for cloning. The problem with cloning luxCDABE is that we are cloning in smaller pieces of DNA, rather than the gene of interest.
- Prepared 0.7% gel and ran the gel for 90 minutes at 90V.
- Followed QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit Protocol (please see protocol page for details)
- The concentrations that we ended up getting from the gel extraction is low. We re-ran the 0.7% gel with a larger amount of product, however, the kit is only optimal for 3-4 kbs.
- Gradient PCR of luxCDABE with the biobrick sites at the end. (We ran out of PCR products to work with)
Biosafty 1 Course
Visualization of Colony PCR and Retreaks
- Today I started with re-running my gel from Friday from the PCR products in the freezer. See gel photo below.
- Analysis: Lanes 1-4 are J13002-LuxOD47E-B0015 trial 1 (with the J13002-LuxOD47E construct as the insert) and Lanes 5-8 are J13002-LuxOD47E-B0015 trial 2 (with B0015 as the insert). Lane 9 is a size control with J13002-LuxOD47E and Lane 10 is a size control with only J13002. If our transformation was successful, we expect to see lanes 1-8 slightly higher then lane 9, which should be slightly higher than lane 10.
- Looking at this gel, we do not see a size difference at all between lanes 1-8 and lane 9. This indicates that either our transformation was not successful or our initial contruction digest was not successful. Because we have all ready gone back to the unligated product once with no results, we will try this again going back to contruction.
- Today I also made restreaks of the J13002-Lux0D47E constructs on KT1144 plates as well as overnight cultures of J13002-LuxOD47E and LuxOD47E witht he purpose of making glycerol stocks tomorrow.
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