Team:Aberdeen Scotland/notebook/quorumsensing


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University of Aberdeen iGEM 2009


Quorum Sensing Notebook

Week 1 - Research and Biobrick Rescues (08/06/09 - 12/06/09)

Day 1 Monday (08/06/09)

  • Researching the Registry for Biobricks
    • Identified K081008, J23100, C0062, K091156, B0034,B0030, B0015, R0061 and R0062 for possible use in our project.
    • Other biobricks identified for other sub-projects include R0011.

Day 2 Tuesday (09/06/09)

  • Researching the literature for information on Quorum Sensing.
  • Researching for information on LVA tags

Day 3 Wednesday (10/06/09)

  • Preparing for biobrick rescue and transformation
    • Prepare LB and Agar
    • Prepare Cacl2 solution,
    • Prepare 1M MgCl2, 1MMgSO4 and 2M glucose solutions (for SOC medium)
    • Inoculate e.coli and grow overnight

Day 4 Thursday (11/06/09)

  • Rescue Biobricks (K081008, J37033, B0015, J23100, R0011, R0062, K112808, C0051, C0040, I732100, R0051, K145001 and B0034)
  • Prepare competent e.coli, using calcium chloride method
  • Transform e.coli with biobricks listed above
    • grow overnight on agar/amp plates.

Day 5 Friday (12/06/09)

  • Results from yesterday indicate that only I732100 was successfully transformed into e.coli
  • Identify possible recipient plasmids for QS module (psB4C5).
  • Propose a cloning strategy
  • Team meeting

Week 2 - Biobrick rescue and purification (15/06/09 - 19/06/09)

Day 1 Monday (15/06/09)

  • Inoculation of transformants - B0015, I732100, R0011 and K081008.

Day 2 Tuesday (16/06/09)

Inspection of inoculations, after overnight growth, revealed, as suspected, that only I732100 had grown

  • Perform plasmid prep on I732100
  • Digest I732100
    • 1 Double digest E+ S
    • 4 single digests - E, S, X and P
  • Prepare TSS buffer, for TSS method of competency (to be performed tomorrow)
  • Inoculate e.coli and grow overnight for tomorrow's TSS method.

Day 3 Wednesday (17/06/09)

  • Rescue additional biobricks - K112022, R0040, I732094, K093005, E0840
  • Prepare competent e.coli using TSS method.
  • Transform with biobricks rescued today + B0015, R0011, R0051, K112808 and K081008, grow overnight

Day 4 Thursday (18/06/09)

  • Prepare for miniprep
    • inoculate transformed e.coli and grow overnight in liquid medium
  • Create master plates to keep record of colonies used

Day 5 Friday (19/06/09)

  • Perform miniprep to purify R0011, R0051, B0015, K112808, K081008
  • Team meeting

Week 3 - Digestions (22/06/09 - 26/06/09)

Day 1 Monday (22/06/09)

Day 2 Tuesday (23/06/09)

  • Transformation of ccdB resistant e.coli with plasmids psB3C5, psB3K5, psB3T5, psB4C5, psB4T5 and psB4K5.
  • Digestion of purified biobricks - (R0011, C0051, I732094, B0015, E0840, R0040, K112022, K112808, K093005, R0051, K081008, J37033, R0062 and I732100)
  • Perform gel electrophoresis of today's digests
    • unsuccessful - C0051+ R0062 + B0015 + R0040 + E0840 (double digest problem), J37033(empty lane), I732100 (unusual bands),
    • Successful - C0040, K145001

Day 3 Wednesday (24/06/09)

  • Digestion of lysis cassettes- K112022 + K112808
    • Using BamHI and BglI
  • Repeat digestion of I732100
    • Double digests - E + S and X + P
    • Single digests - E, S, X and P
  • Run gels for above digestions
    • Results indicate digestion needs to be repeated
  • Inoculate trasnformed e.coli and grow overnight

Day 4 Thursday (25/06/09)

  • Plasmid prep to purify biobricks - B0030, I0462, J23105, J23107, J23115, S03518, psB4K5 and psB3T5.
  • Digestion of above plasmid preps, plus additional C0051, psB1AC3 + psB1AT3
  • Perform gel electrophoresis of above digestions
    • successful digestions - psB3T5 and psB1AT3
    • unsuccessful digestions - psB1AC3, psB4K5, B0030 and C0051.
    • Results also indicated that double digests using X + P were unsuccessful and should be repeated- S03518 and I0462

Note: Difficult to see difference between single and double digests for J series promoters (J23105, J23107 + J23115). This should be expected since all ~30bp in length.

Day 5 Friday (26/06/09)

  • Digestion of K081008
    • double digest using E + S
    • Single digests using E
  • Perform gel electrophoresis for K081008 digest
    • Results indicate incomplete digestion.
  • Team meeting

Week 4 - Solving digestion problem (29/06/09 - 03/07/09)

Day 1 Monday (29/06/09)

  • Digestion of lambda DNA
    • using HindIII
  • Repeat digestion of E0840 -
    • using alternative digestion protocol (see wet lab)
  • Run gels for above digests
    • gel indicates that alternative digestion method eliminates double digest problems seen previously
  • Inoculate I0462, psB4C5 and psB3K3 from master plates

Day 2 Tuesday (30/06/09)

  • Perform plasmid prep to purify psB3K3, psB4C5 + I0462.
  • Digestion of above plasmid preps
    • using alternative method
  • Run gels using above digests
    • Gels indicate that I0462 and psB4C5 were successfully digested, psB3K3 yielded empty lanes

Day 3 Wednesday (01/07/09)

  • Perform transformation using psB3C5
  • Inoculate K081008, psB1AT3 and psB1AC3
    • No overnight growth was detected for K081008 - repeat transformation

Day 4 Thursday (02/07/09)

  • Research primer ordering
  • Transformation of K081008

Day 5 Friday (03/07/09)

Perform plasmid prep to purify K081008, psB1AT3 and psB1AC3

  • Digestion of above plasmid preps
    • using E + P double digests for plasmids and E + S for K081008.
  • Team meeting

Week 5 (06/07/09 - 10/07/09)

Day 1 Monday (06/07/09)

  • Digestion of psB4C5
    • in a total volume of 40µl (more concentrated than previous digestion)
  • Run gels from today's and Friday's digests (psB4C5, K081008, psB1AT3 + psB1AC3)
    • successful digestions - K081008, I0462
    • incomplete digestions - psB1AT3, psB1AC3

Concentration of psB4C5 was too low to proceed with cloning

Solution: Perform multiple plasmid preps and combine, check conc. using uv spectrophotometer.

Day 2 Tuesday (07/07/09)

  • Multiple plasmid preps of psB4C5.
  • Digestion of psB4C5
    • Using E + P for double digest
  • Purification of I0462 digest (to concentrate)
  • Run gels for psB4C5 and I0462
    • gel indicates conc. of psB4C5 = 7ng/µl
    • gel indicates conc of I0462 = 15ng/µl

Day 3 Wednesday (08/07/09)

  • Alkaline phosphatase treat psB4C5
  • Calculations for ligation
  • Perform ligation
  • Transform ligation mixes
    • grow overnight on agar plates containing chloramphenicol.

Day 4 Thursday (09/07/09)

Cloning from yesterday yielded unusual results

    • many more colonies on controls (vector only and vector + ligase) than on Vector + ligase + inserts.
  • Transformation repeated using 100% chloramphenicol plates

Day 5 Friday (10/07/09)

  • Perform colony screening
    • patch out colonies to identify red colonies (indicate intact vector)
  • Repeat digestion of psB4C5
    • ensure complete digestion

Week 6 13/07/09 - 16/07/09

Week 7 20/07/09 - 24/07/09

Week 8 27/07/09 - 31/07/09

Week 9 03/08/09 - 07/08/09

Week 10 10/08/09 - 14/08/09

Week 11 17/08/09 - 21/08/09