Team:UAB-Barcelona/Calendar-Main/15 July 2009


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Wednesday 15th July

Looking for sponsors from Andalucia’s bioregion.

Transformation of E.coli competent cells, in two different samples, with mlba and clpb GFP plasmids, using a thermoshock protocol.

Looking for possible metabolic ways in order to be ahead of strange experiment results. The following article was discussed:

- Reductive dehalogenation of carbon tetrachloride by Escherichira coli K-12; Craig S. Criddle, John T. DeWitt and Perry L. McCarty; Applied and enviromental microbiology, Nov 1990, Vol. 56, No. 11, p. 3247-3254.

The following paper was found and disccused, in order to find out if energetic metabolism could be affected:

- The effect of chloroform on mitochondrial energy transduction; Lee-Feng Chien and Martin D. Brand; Biochem. J.1996 320 837-845.