Template:Team:KULeuven/26 August 2009/BlueLightReceptor

From 2009.igem.org

Revision as of 08:13, 27 August 2009 by AnneV (Talk | contribs)
  1. the plates with ligation A (blp + GFP) where fetched from the blue light installation. there was no GFP signal. the following actions will be taken:
    • the plasmids will be purified from the colonies and will be sequenced using primer 2260.
    • next time we will probably put them in liquid cultures under the LEDs while shaking gently. also, other parameters that need to be considered are being researched.
    • they will not be exposed to the light as long anymore. we decided that 1h will be more then enough.
    • possible bleaching?
  2. a colony from all three plates with the ligA-construct were taken and ented in liquid culture. this was needed to check wether the colonies were still.
  3. by 5pm, one of the liquid cultures had grown and was miniprepped. 20μl was sent for sequencing together with 5μM of primer 2260.
Part concentration (ng/μl) 260/280 λ
ligA (14/08 (1)) 23,1 2,21

4. two electroporations were performed. one with ligC (J23101 + E0240) and one with pSB3K3 DNA.