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Lethbridge Weekend Day 1
Went to a workshop about how to present . Recieved good advice. When not presenting ( but are part of the presentation ) look at the person who is currently presenting and stand at the side away from the presentor. If power point presentations are used stand to the left of the screen ( because english is read from left to right ) . Prepairation is very important. If something in your presentation goes wrong , don't fret over it . Move on to the next topic . It is how you recover from the situtation that is more important than the mistake that happened during the presentation . Connect with you audiance. If the audiance is already present and your are setting up your presentation during that time , kindly inform your audiance of your situation (if appropriate make irrelavent small talk ) .
Lethbrisge Workshop Day 1
This morning we arrived in Lethbridge at about noon (after an exciting photo opportunity in Vulcan!). After lunch, the workshop strated with a presentation skills workshop. We learned a lot of tips such as how to preapre yourslef, how to deal with nerves, how to orient yourself to the screen and the audience, etc. We split up into our teams and created a mini introductin to our project and then we choose one team member (Mandy) to present it. This presentation was videotaped and then the whole group had a chance to talk about it, give feedback, etc. After this, we went and refined these presentations and gave someone else on the team a chance to present (Jamie) and we repeated the same process. This was really helpful as it helped us see some of theings that our fellow teammates do well as well as some things that they could improve on.
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Descriptive Title of What You're Doing
Descriptive Title of What You're Doing
Descriptive Title of What You're Doing
Descriptive Title of What You're Doing
Descriptive of What You're Doing
Descriptive Title of What You're Doing
Descriptive Title of What You're Doing
Descriptive Title of What You're Doing
Descriptive Title of What You're Doing
Descriptive Title of What You're Doing