Team:Imperial College London/M2/Trehalose


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Through the course of evolution, E.coli have equipped themselves with a multitude of defences to enable colanisation of the intestine. We are using two global transcription factors (RcsB & YgiV) to hijack this natural process in a way that maximises acid resitance. We have additionally upregulated a third enzyme (rfal) to enhance the encapsulation of single cells (over and above colony encapsulation). Finally, the two biosynthetic genes (OtsA & OtsB) code for the production of trehalose. Our manipulation of endogenous pathways reduces virulence while enchancing pill functionality.

Module 2 Part ii: Trehalose Production

An important consideration when designing the specifications of the E.ncapsulator was the ability to store the cells for extended periods of time. This could be achieved by dehydrating the cells. However, normally under such conditions there poses a problem to maintaining the integrity of the proteins within the cells. This is problematic for us, as this could lead to breakdown of our protein of interest.

In order to preserve the integrity of our protein of interest during storage of the E.ncapsulator, we decided to incorporate a device for trehalose production within our system. Trehalose is a disaccharide formed from two glucose molecules. Throughout nature, trehalose is associated with resistance to dessication and cold shock, and is naturally produced in Escherichia Coli. We hope that by upregulating the trehalose production pathways in E.coli we can increase trehalose concentrations within our cell, thereby conferring some resistance to protein degredation in our system. This would allow easy transport and storage of the final product.

The trehalose coding region in E.coli consists of 2 genes, OtsA and OtsB - each coding for a different enzyme required for the conversion of glucose to trehalose.

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