

Revision as of 18:22, 4 October 2009 by Mbarnkob (Talk | contribs)

Who we are

We are eight students from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), who found each other through a common wish to explore synthetic biology.


Anna Linhardt Hansen

Anna Hansen.

I am studying medicine on 5th semester at the University of Southern Denmark, and my motivation for joining SDU´s iGEM is numerous. First of all, studying medicine does not prepare the ground for scientific work, which I think is a petty. Second, I think its cool to make friends among different field of study. Third, but presumably most important; I would like to have some fun.

Julius Fredens

Julius Fredens aka Mr. Misty Forrest Dragon

I’m 24 and study Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at 9th semester. Although I've spend a lot of time in the lab doing projects on C. elegans metabolism and analysis of modified nerve terminal proteins, I've never been in touch with genetic engineering or even worked with single-celled organisms.

When I think about all the opportunities in genetic manipulation, I just have to know the techniques. And learning this discipline by hands-on experiences together with a great team – in competition with others ;o) – sounds just pretty nice!

Kir Jacobsen

Kir Jacobsen.

9th semester Biochemistry & Molecular biology, 24, experience with cell culturing, protein purification with focus on phosphoproteins and mass spectrometry. Additionally, experience with purification of DNA from tissue and copy number surveillance.

I always seek new areas of study, because I find the world of life sciences very exciting. When the opportunity came up to do something with bacteria, I was interested right from the start, because I havent really worked in the area of prokaryotes before and I was eager to explore it.

John Claesson

John Claesson.

Hey! My name is John. I am studying medicine at 5th semester here at the University of Southern Denmark. I have 3 reasons for joining the iGEM team here. First of all i'm very dedicated to all forms of science. Second I think it is great to meet other students who have the same passion for science. At last I would also like to have more fun. :-)

Anne Zebitz Eriksen

Anne Zebitz Eriksen.

I am 20 years old and I have just finished my first year of the nanobioscience bachelor. I have great experience in project-management from the technical high school, but have very little previous experience with the microbiology lab.

I joined the iGEM team because I always thought genetically engineering to be exciting and to gain valuable experience in this line of work. And mostly because it sounds fun.

Marc Trunjer Kusk Nielsen


My name is Marc, im 21 years old and i've just finished the 3rd semester of Medicine. I have a broad, but superficial experience in labwork, but it's been a couple of years, and i miss it. Im really looking forward to retaking the lab and building a Staph dissolving bastard of a bacteria :)

Helle Bogetofte Thomasen

Helle Bogetofte Thomasen.

My name is Helle Bogetofte Thomasen, I am 23 years old and have just begun on my 5th semester of medicin at SDU.

Regarding my motivation; I generally think that syntetic biology is a very interesting scientific field with great potentiel and I really look forward to joining the competition and meeting students from all over the world.

I would like to work in medical research later on but our education doesn't really involve any lab work. So for me this iGEM project is also a great chance to get some lab experience and try some things that I would otherwise only read about. Beside from this I am strangely fascinated by bacteria ;o)

Mike Barnkob

Mike Barnkob.

Motivation: I found synthetic biology to be an exciting new field to explore. It has a lot of potential for real world applications and iGEM provides a perfect setup for us students to wrestle with new ideas and projects.

About me: I study medicine and am currently on my 7th semester here at SDU. I've worked on detecting LOH in a rare cancer called multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma at Odense University Hospital and spent some time at University of Illinois a summer ago trying to be helpful at Kelly Tappendens lab. My bachelor thesis had the inspiring name: A Systematic Comparison of Cystatin C Based Formula's and The Creatinin Based Schwartz Formula for Determining Kidney Functions in Children.


Ann Zahle Andersen

Ann Zahle Andersen.

I am a post.doc at the microbiology group of the department of biochemistry and molecular biology at SDU. I have a past I systems biology and mathematical modeling, but am currently researching in the field of food microbiology.

I was introduced to the iGEM team in May and immediately saw great potential. Therefore I am truly honored to be an instructor on their project and look forward to lots of fun and good science over the summer.

Pia K. Nielsen

Pia K. Nielsen.

Ph.D fellow at the University of Southern Denmark, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Odense.

When presented with the “International Genetically Engineered Machine” project, I first imagined it as an immense and boundless project. But presented with the idea that the SDU-Denmark team had come up with, I became fascinated – could it be possible that they could generate a biological system, which could end up having a huge affect on the treatment of bacterial infection, just by an idea, some parts and a few months?

As pathogenesis and stress tolerance are main topics of my own research project, in which I am focusing on the virulence and stress response of Listeria monocytogenes, I use many of the molecular methods that the iGEM team are working with. Therefore I am very pleased to have the opportunity to help our team by assisting them in the lab.

Martin Hanczyc

Martin Hanczyc.

Synthetic Biology presents an interesting challenge to apply reliable protocols from molecular biology to alter and control the functionality of complex living systems. The results of such endeavors are far from predictable and give scientists a realistic perspective on the interconnectivity, programmability, and complexity of living systems. This is an exciting time for students interested in living systems to try to reprogram them in specific and quantifiable ways.

As an associate professor at SDU, I am primarily interested in developing laboratory models of complex systems that have life like properties. This is done through my participation in the research center called FLinT (fundamental living technology). Currently my research lies in physics and chemistry, but my interests are based in biology and evolution.

The team of students here came together under common interest, self organized and effectively initiated training in Synthetic Biology at SDU. It is a pleasure for me to support their initiative, energy and curiosity.

Jakob Møller-Jensen



Steen Rasmussen

Steen Rasmussen.

Center Director and Professor at the [ Center for Fundamental Living Technology] (FLinT), Department for Physics & Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark and External Research Professor at the Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, USA.

I've been obsessed with the idea of assembling minimal from the bottom up since I was a student, and it's therefore a great pleasure for me to support our iGEM team. iGEM is operating in the other end of Synthetic Biology also addressing "what is life?", but from the top down through modifying and simplifying existing life-forms.

Perhaps as the field of Synthetic Biology matures, iGEM 3.0 will also include a competition for teams developing minimal life-like systems from the bottom up: minimal molecular aggregate motility; minimal energy transduction systems; autonomous sensing signal transduction and actuation systems; aggregate growth and division; evolution in minimal replicator systems, and the like.

Birgitte Kallipolitis

Birgitte Kallipolitis.

Associate Professor in Molecular Microbiology at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark.

Research interests: RNA- and protein-based gene regulatory systems in pathogenic bacteria; host-pathogen interactions; bacterial stress response; antibiotic resistance. Since 2005, principal investigator and head of research group currently consisting of 2 post docs, 4 phd students and several masters students. Research projects are currently funded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research, the Danish Natural Science Research Foundation, FORCE Technology and Luncbeckfonden.

Motivation: Always happy to support students with an interest in doing science!

Where we're from

We are all from the [ University of Southern Denmark] in Odense, which is located smack in the middle of Denmark. It's a small town of about 180.000 inhabitants, of which quiet a few are students.