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Safety Considerations

Researcher Safety
Issues were raised in risk assessments about the safety of using labgrade E. coli and P.syringae GMOs. Specific precuations were put in place to protect safety of experimenters:

- Personal protective equipment (gloves, shoes, goggles, labcoat) 
- Proper aseptic technique
- Washing hands when moving in an out of laboratory.
- Disposal of materials in appropriate containers.

Gel post-staining with Ethidium bromide had special precautions relating to its carcinogenic properties:

- Dedicated fume cupboard where Ethidium bromide is handled.
- Only nitrile gloves to be used when handling Ethidium bromide.
- Stained gels to be double contained for transportation to the UV transilluminator.

Agarose gels:


Use of the UV transilluminator involved particular precautions:

- Only UV glasses to be worn when viewing the gels.
- One person in the room at the time when viewing gels.

Bunsen burners:

- Long hair tied back to prevent fire hazards.
- Well ventilated area
- Always work in front of the bunsen burner (not behind it to eliminate the possibility of catching lab coat/hair on fire).

All surfaces were sprayed down with ethanol before and after experimental work.