Team:BIOTEC Dresden/Acknowledgments



This project would not have been possible without the support of... well, nearly everyone we talked to about the project. This positive attitude towards our plans and ideas was overwhelming.

First of all, we'd like to thank the director of BIOTEC, Prof. Michael Brand, and as our supervisors Prof.Petra Schwille and Prof. Francis Stewart for their support - ranging from motivation to scientific advice and supplying us with lab space, consumables and access to scientific equipment. It was always surprising how fast things could move after just one email sent by them.

We would like to extend our thanks to the administration of BIOTEC represented by Sabine Mathiä, Katrin Boes, Anne Chesneau and Antje Zenker for taking care of all the bureaucratic hurdles in our place. Being able to focus on the scientific work is awesome.

Prof Cuniberti, Prof Neinhuis, Prof Göttfert, Dr. Thomas Kuoth, Senthil Arumugam, Dr. Monika Sturm and Sarah Smith offered valuable support concerning the research part of the work. We are grateful for good discussions and valuable feedback, preventing the project from going completely astray.

We owe special thanks to our sponsors NEXANS and SÜDCHEMIE, who, together with the BIOTEC, made sure that money was the least of our concerns. This form of support for student's initiatives should be highly promoted.

And of course we would like to thank all our friends, families and well wishers who put up with our day and night shifts.

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