Uppsala-Sweden/21 September 2009

From 2009.igem.org

Colony PCR of saturdays transformations

Quite a decent transformation all considered, all constructs seem to be working.

20090921 colony PCR R-PpetE-RPRA Pdc-YAdh2 R-KRYT.jpg.jpg --Anders 14:23, 21 September 2009 (UTC)

Plasmid Preps

Plasmid preps were performed for RBS (120 µg/ml), RKRYT (300 µg/ml), PRPRA (200 µg/ml), PRYT 1 (280 µg/ml), PRYT 2 (280 µg/ml) and PRYT 3 (240 µg/ml).

Bioneer Biolegio Clontech Uppsala Genome Center