

Revision as of 22:17, 21 October 2009 by Sabina (Talk | contribs)


We would like to thank many people for their contribution, help in the lab and technical support, particularly:

  • Jernej Gašperšič, Matevž Avbelj, dr. Tomaž Bratkovič, dr. Mateja Zorko, Darija Oven, Irena Škraba, and other members of the Laboratory of Biotechnology, National Institute of Chemistry
  • Damjan Vengust (Jozef Stefan Institute), dr. Maja Remškar (Jozef Stefan Institute) and dr. Peter Veranič (Institute of cell biology, Medical Faculty) for help and transmission electron microscopy measurements
  • dr. Ema Žagar (National Institute of Chemistry) and dr. Matija Tomšič (Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana) for measuring of DLS spectra
  • Milena Zorko (National Institute of Chemistry) for scanning electron microscope measurements
  • Uroš Maver and Andrej Žnideršič (National Institute of Chemistry) for help with atomic force microscope
  • We also thank Anže Abram, Luka Jere and Janko Zorman for support with our wiki and Anita Lozar for helping with the design of our wiki and T-shirts.

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