Team:Warsaw/Calendar-Main/25 July 2009
Assembly of endosomal detection operon
Task 1:
- Digest of isolate plasmids with ligated biobricks to verify the success of ligation
- Digest of isolate plasmids using XbaI and PstI
- Reaction mixture composition:
0.5 μl purified plasmid DNA product 0.5 μl XbaI (Fermentas) 0.5 μl PstI (Fermentas) 2 μl Buffer Tango (Fermentas) 16.5 μl MQ water
- The reaction was performed three hours and it was subsequently inactivated via heating in 80°C for 20 minutes.
- In the next step reaction mixtures were loaded into the agarose gel to analize restriction pattern of the plasmids
All isolated plasmids have not insert. The cloning must be performed another time
Task 2:
- Restriction digest of biobricks
Due to obtain set of biobricks which each of them contain RBS and particular coding sequence some of biobricks were digested:
- Digest of BBa_B0032 using SpeI and PstI
- Reaction mixture composition:
10 μl purified plasmid DNA product 0.5 μl SpeI (Fermentas) 1 μl PstI (Fermentas) 5 μl Buffer Tango (Fermentas) 34 μl MQ water
- Digest of other biobricks using PstI and XbaI
- Reaction mixture composition:
10 μl purified plasmid DNA product 1 μl XbaI (Fermentas) 1 μl PstI (Fermentas) 5 μl Buffer Tango (Fermentas) 34 μl MQ water
- Both reaction were performed approximately 7 hours they were subsequently inactivated via heating in 80°C for 20 minutes
Task 3:
- Ligations of biobricks
- Ligation mixture composition:
8 μl digested plasmid with RBS 9 μl digested CDS 2 μl ligation buffer (Fermentas, PEG4000 have been added previously) 1 μl ligase T4 (Fermentas)
- Negative control mixture composition: 8 μl digested plasmid with RBS 2 μl ligation buffer (Fermentas, PEG4000 have been added previously) 1 μl ligase T4 (Fermentas) 9 μl MQ water
- Duration of ligation was about 12 hours
Construction of K177012 operon1_part2
- Gel electrophoresis of the obtained clones.
- Repeat the ligation of the PcI and RBs.3LacI parts.
- Only small amount of DNA visible on the gel in 4 samples out of 20. Probably plasmid isolation has been done using too old solution 2. The visible DNA fragments are not the correct clone.
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