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Team Ethics

We the TU Delft 2009 team pay some attention to ethics. One of our team members concentrates on this particular subject. In our opinion it is useful to have some ethical discussion with the team during discussion session. Therefore we discuss some ethical issues related to our work. Almost every week we discuss ‘the ethical question of the week’. In our opinion it is good when scientist are aware of the impact which their work might have on the society, therefore it is good to think about the ethical issues of our project as becoming scientist. The aim of the ethical question of the week is to have a discussion with a group in order to see how the individuals in our team think about certain subjects.

What is life? What is synthetic biology? 29-07-2009

Ethical question of the week: What is life? What is synthetic biology? There are two different theories about what life is in our group. First: a system which is able to take up energy from its environment and creates order form chaos represents life. Second: a system which is able to reproduce, has a metabolism, evolutes and has an organization (order) and is able to survive in a specific environment represent live. This is amore biological point of view toward life. During this discussion the interesting question arose: is a BioBrick life? The answers was, no a BioBrick does not represent life; it is part of an organism which is a live. So a Biobrick is part of life but it does not represent life by itself.

What is synthetic biology? Synthetic Biology is minimizing real biology. It is also intelligent evolution by rational engineering. Engineering is a very important aspect in Synthetic Biology, its applying engineering concepts in Biological concepts. We all do agree about this definition of synthetic Biology.



Topic of this week was Biosafety. Ethical question of the week: How important is Biosafety to you? Do you think about biosafety during labwork and do you consider it as part of your job?

How important is Biosafety to you and which grad would you give it grading between 0 and 10? O means not important at all, 10 means vey very important. The ranking was: 3, 10, 8, 8, 10, 8, 9. Average grade is: 8, this means that we as team in genera; do care about biosafety and find it important.

Biosafety in the lab

Who should be respponsible for safety and security in the lab?
Security: In the organisation there is a hirarchie which explains who is responsibble for safety in the organization. In case there is a big accident in the lab these persons are responsible. Safety:We, our selfs, are responsible for the safety in the lab. We should be watching what we are doing in the lab. Whos should be liable in case of emergency:In cae an accident happens while the lab workersare follow up the rules, as they should do. the person who granded the permition should be liable.


Is it important/usefull to inform the public about our work?
Yes, it is important to inform teh public about our work, as scientists.

Why is this usefull/important?
The information flow is at the moment as this: Scientist---->Journalist---->Public. Maybe it will be better when scientists also play a direct role in informing the public. Issues could easly be misunderstandend and represented differently by media, because of the lake of knowledge. Scientific work also needs funding and in general this scientific work is funded by public money, so it is important to inform them about the goals for which this public money is used.

What should our communicationgoal be as scientists?(to inform, to ask more attention, increase the public conception)?
Our goal should be informing teh public. It is not correct to hide information, we should clearly inform the public about the facts. We will not be able to explain all details, but we for sure are able to explain the main lines. Its is also important to clearly inform about the possiblilities and more important about the unpossiblities, to avoid any panic. There should also be attention for the possible side effects. The scientists should explain the occuring chance of side effects by using statistics.