Team:Newcastle/Meetings/27 August 2009


Revision as of 14:32, 27 August 2009 by Babyneurone (Talk | contribs)


27 August 2009 - iGEM Meeting

  • Chair: Arun
  • Students:
  • Minutes: Mat
  • Instructors: Neil
  • Advisors:


  • Review last week's action points
  • Cloning strategies
  • Modelling
  • Lab summary
  • Questions

Action Points during last meeting

  • Design biobricks and primers in Sequencher
  • Students to prepare primers and cloning strategy documents by tuesday
  • Make virtual construct of our manually constructed BioBricks on Clone Manager
  • Look at which enzymes we need in the lab and order them
  • Contact teams to help them (Groningen, Cornell, UQ)
  • T-shirts design
  • Make sure flights and hotels are ok for everyone

New action points

  • Cloning strategies and primers to be checked, ordered, and used
  • Shared drive space - Dan suggests Dropbox or Wuala
  • Printer to be connected to PC in Phil's office (Koray Dombaz to be talked to)




Social Net

  • Newcastle iGEM Twitter
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  • [ Newcastle Youtube Channel]