Team:Newcastle/Meetings/8 October 2009


Revision as of 12:53, 9 October 2009 by TubularWorld (Talk | contribs)

8 October 2009 - iGEM Meeting

  • Chair: Mat
  • Students: Jess, Jane, James, Hanny, Goksel, Mat, Arun
  • Minutes: James
  • Instructors: Jen, Neil
  • Advisors: Dan, Morgan
  • Guests: Zoltan


  • General News
  • Review last week's general action points
  • Review last week's specialist action points
  • Give summaries in the following areas:
    • Lab Work (Goksel and Hanny)
    • Wiki (Mat)
    • Presentation (Arun)
    • Poster (Jess)
    • Modelling (James)
    • T-shirt/Marketing (Jess)
  • Questions

Last Week's General Action Points

  • Design sequencing primers for pMutin4 and GFP-rrnB (Arun)
  • Matt Pocock needs to fill in ESTA form
  • Create a page on the wiki about ethics (Mathew)
  • Fill Valencia's questionnaire (everyone)
  • Get Hanny guest student card
  • Search for other websites for those green "bugs" (Jess)
  • Contact Nigel Robinson to use his lab and the electronmicroscope
  • Citate the papers in the wiki for metal sensing. Quote short sentences where necessary.
  • Goksel to send DNA off to Parts Registry.

Last Week's Specialist Action Points


  • Hanny to sequence BioBricks


  • Need to update lab work section
  • Need to study Imperial 2008 iGEM wiki's video for ideas.
  • Redraw and add colour to diagram on front page currently (the process chart) - possibly using Omnigraffle for Mac
  • The "Eco Warrior" story, which is currently on the front page of the wiki, needs to go in the 'Fun and Games' section.
  • Put a diagram of a Bacillus subtilis' cell on the front page of the wiki with elements of the project e.g. Cadmium sensing, stochastic switch, etc included
  • Make a date for Sunday 11th October for students meetup to take photos around the university/city.


  • Sub-project teams need to send at least two slides with some information on them.
  • Presentation practice to be held on 23rd October - times to be decided


  • Jess needs to update team by next week
  • Each team to create document for the poster creation.


  • Make a date for a Modelling meeting to work out parameter values, and how to integrate into population model.


  • Get t-shirt designs to printing company


  • Introduced the team to Zoltan


  • Hanny - kinA worked, now in E.coli, transforming into B.subtilis - need to make sure it has gone into amyE - plating out onto starch and IPGT plates looking for spores and halos - if done, characterised!
  • Goksel - cotC, re-PCRed, re-cut into pMutin4 - should work now.
  • Stocastic Switch still stuck at 85% complete.
  • Metal Sensor also stuck at 85% complete.
  • Safety Officer visted the lab - Arun, Mat and Hanny were not wearing lab coats - Mat and Arun should not have been there.
  • Goksel is to go on some safety courses, if he is to be in the lab in the future.
  • Sequence Biobricks - not done yet - tell Phil that we will pay.
  • Request for variance still pending.
  • May need to clone kinA into Biobrick compatible vector.

On last weeks APs

  • For pMutin4 sequencing primers, just use pMutin2 sequence.
  • Dan emailed Matt Pocock to check if he has done the ESTA.
  • Mat still needs to do the ethics page.
  • Goksel and Jess still need to do Valencia's questionairre.
  • Hanny still needs a guest card.
  • Could make our own green bugs
  • Nigel Robinson replied - need to ask him about other metals.
  • Need to cite papers.
  • Prepare DNA for submission - watch for postal strike.


  • Lab Rota to be removed. (James - done)
  • Duplicate project overview to be removed. (James - done)
  • Header photo to be changed.
  • Add images/text for Next and Previous.
  • Reviewed animations - liked, and using.
  • Need to change format of Matt's video, and upload. (James)
  • All teams need to update lab book.
  • Photo date set for Saturday 10th at 10:00am.


  • Practice Presentation with the Bioinformatics group is set for Friday 23rd October at 1-2pm.
  • Still doing a presentation in Sunderland?
  • Use Sir Bac Man as first slide.
  • Explain the life cycle and how we are changing it.
  • Arun has prepared a document.
  • Jen and Neil are away in Spain 17-21 October.


  • Jen in to send links to designs.
  • Jess' draft has too much small text - more images and talking!
  • Need to get back to sponsors to show them what we have achieved.

Could use a complex wheel to point to various points of the poster.



Social Net

  • Newcastle iGEM Twitter
  • [ Newcastle on Facebook]
  • [ Newcastle Youtube Channel]