

Revision as of 19:39, 16 October 2009 by Danielsoes (Talk | contribs)

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Main results

  • Construction of an algorithm capable to generate locks (cis regulation) for different ribosome binding sites (RBS’s) and their correspond key (trans).
  • Online lock and key generator derived from the algorithm.
  • Construction of four DNA sequences in biobrick format and [ pSB1A3] plasmid backbone which encode lock for medium RBS ([ K175031]), key for the lock of medium RBS ([ K175032]), lock for weak RBS ([ K175029]) or key for the lock of weak RBS ([ K175030]).
  • Assembly of two composed biobricks ([ K175034] and [ K175035]), designed to test the functionality of the lock/key pairs constructed.
  • Assembly of two GFP generators under the control of PLacI with weak RBS ([ K175033]) or medium RBS ([ K175048]).
