Team:Newcastle/Meetings/20 October 2009


Revision as of 19:49, 19 October 2009 by TubularWorld (Talk | contribs)
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20 October 2009 - iGEM Internal Meeting

  • Chair:
  • Students:
  • Minutes:


  • General News
  • Review last week's general action points
  • Review last week's specialist action points
  • Give summaries in the following areas:
    • Lab Work (Goksel and Hanny)
    • Wiki (Mat)
    • Presentation (Arun)
    • Poster (Jess)
    • Modelling (James)
      • SBML/CELLML Models
      • Parameters for PopMod
    • T-shirt/Marketing (Jess)
  • Questions

Last Week's General Action Points

  • Design sequencing primers for pMutin4 and GFP-rrnB (Arun)
  • Create a page on the wiki about ethics (Mathew)
  • Fill Valencia's questionnaire (everyone)
  • Get Hanny guest student card
  • Search for other websites for those green "bugs" (Jess)
    • Could make our own green bugs
  • Citate the papers in the wiki for metal sensing. Quote short sentences where necessary.
  • Need to get back to sponsors to show them what we have achieved.

Last Week's Specialist Action Points


  • Hanny to sequence BioBricks
  • Goksel to send DNA off to Parts Registry.


  • Need to update lab work section
  • Redraw and add colour to diagram on front page currently (the process chart) - possibly using Omnigraffle for Mac
  • Put a diagram of a Bacillus subtilis' cell on the front page of the wiki with elements of the project e.g. Cadmium sensing, stochastic switch, etc included
  • Put safety info on wiki.
  • Header photo to be changed.
  • Front Page
  • Scotland version of presentation


  • Sub-project teams need to send at least two slides with some information on them.
  • Presentation practice to be held on 23rd October 1pm
  • Still doing a presentation in Sunderland?


  • Each team to create document for the poster creation.
  • Could use a complex wheel to point to various points of the poster.
  • Finish design for Friday.
  • Send for printing.
  • Arrange a meeting on Friday 5 to 7.


  • Work out parameter values, and how to integrate into population model.
  • Improve the population model.
  • Finish model by this weekend.


  • Get t-shirt designs to printing company.
  • Due to the situation - reduce the number to about 15, and increase the price £20-30.
  • Could get it partially done by professionals, then iron on bits - small logos.
  • Could use white shirts.
  • Could use other companies.



Social Net

  • Newcastle iGEM Twitter
  • [ Newcastle on Facebook]
  • [ Newcastle Youtube Channel]