Revision as of 16:00, 21 October 2009 by Pnstontale (Talk | contribs)
Project introduction. Inspired by the natural regulator of circadian bioclock exhibited in most eukaryotic organisms, our team has designed an E.coli-based genetic network with the toxin-antitoxin system so that the bacterium oscillates between two states of dormancy and activity (more...)
Parts & devices
Parts overview
- Go to [ PartsRegistry] to see our submited parts.
DNA gel electrophoresis verification
Almost all of our parts have been detected after enzyme digestion. The following DNA electrophoresis pictures prove our parts to be accurate and reliable.
- Lane2: [ BBa_K185000] RelE toxin+Rbs30 311bp OK
- Lane3: [ BBa_K185001] Arabinose-induced RelE Generator 1791bp Failed
- Lane4: [ BBa_K185002] Lon Protease+Double terminater 2492bp OK
- Lane5: [ BBa_K185003] RelE toxin+Lon proteas 2827bp OK
- Lane6: [ BBa_K185004] RelE toxin+Double terminator 443bp OK
- Lane3: [ BBa_K185028] RelB+Double-terminator 395bp OK
- Lane3: [ BBa_K185007] Promoter116+RBS34+lLacI+Double-terminator+Plac+RBS31 1514bp OK
- Lane5: [ BBa_K185016] Promoter118+RBS34+LacI+Double-terminator+Plac+RBS31 1514bp OK
- Lane15: [ BBa_K185018] Promoter118+QPI+RBS30+RelB+Double-terminator 1454bp OK
- Lane17: [ BBa_K185036] Promoter110+QPI+RBS34+RelB+Double-terminator 1433bp OK
- Lane20: [ BBa_K185011] Promoter116+QPI+RBS31+RelB+Double-terminator 1435bp OK
- Lane13: [ BBa_K185053] Promoter116+RBS34+LacI+Double-terminator+pPlac+RBS31+RelE+RBS30+Lon protease+Double terminator 4347bp OK
- Lane10: [ BBa_K185012] Promoter116+RBS34+LacI+Double-terminator+Plac+RBS34 1347bp OK
- Lane12: [ BBa_K185019] Promoter118+RBS34+LacI+Double-terminator+Plac+RBS34 1512bp OK
- Lane 2&3: [ BBa_K185045] Composite J23110+Q01121 1416bp OK
- Lane 4&5: [ BBa_K185046] Composite J23110+Q01121 1416bp OK
- Lane 6&7: [ BBa_K185042] Composite J23110+Q04510 1030bp OK
- Lane 8&9: [ BBa_K185043] Composite J23116+Q04510 1030bp OK
- Lane 10&11 [ BBa_K185044] Composite J23118+Q04510 1030bp OK
- Lane 5&6&7: [ BBa_K185037] Composite J23116+Q04510+B0031 1052bp OK
- Lane 8-12: [ BBa_K185038] Composite J23116+Q04510+B0034 1050bp OK
- Lane 15&17&18&19: [ BBa_K185039] J23118+Q04510+B0030 1053bp OK
- Lane 20&21: [ BBa_K185040] J23118+Q04510+B0031 1052bp OK
- Lane 2-8: [ BBa_K185034] Device J23116+Q04510+B0034+K185048 1433bp OK
- Lane 4: [ BBa_K185005] Generator J23116+Q04510+B0034+K185048+K185005 3298bp OK
- Lane 2-9: [ BBa_K185051] Composite J23110+B0034+BBa_K185008+BBa_K185009 2748bp PCR analysis (plasmid backbone added) OK
- Lane 2, 4, 6, 7: [ BBa_K185052] Regulatory 1342bp PCR analysis (backbone sequence added) OK
- Lane 2,3: [ BBa_K185009] Device 2047bp OK
- Lane 1,3,5,6: [ BBa_K185031] intermediate 1104bp OK
- Lane 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11: [ BBa_K185033] inverter 1514bp OK
Next, go to Part characterization.