Team:TUDelft/16 July 2009
16th July
Purified I-SceI homing endonuclease arrived today in a box of dry ice. Nice!
All my transformants gave colonies. The B0032 plate had lots of colonies with lots of sattelite colonies as well (not good). So I have started 5ml LB 1 x amp liquid cultures at 37ºC of B0032, K145015 and K145201. (inoculation at 18:20) Plates are now in the fridge.
Also I backdiluted the K145280HS strain in 30 ml liquid culture. (same conditions as before, inoc at 18:15).
Finally I plated out the ccdB resistant strains from last year (out of -80 stock) on LB 1xamp plates at 18:30. Plasmid names: pSB1AC3,pSB1AT3,pSB1AK3. incubated in 37ºC stove. To be grown up in LC and purified tomorrow.