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Delay Device

Negative Feedforward.jpg
Figure 1: Negative Feedforward model
Riboregulator delay.jpg
Figure 2: Riboregulator model

Mathematical Modeling

The Negative Feedforward model shown above can be expressed with the following set of ODEs (ordinary differential equations):
Negative feedforward ODEs 2.jpg
The Riboregulator model shown above can be expressed with the following set of ODEs:
Riboregulator ODEs.jpg
The symbols in this system of equations are found in the table below:
Symbols table.jpg
We would like to give credit to the Bologna '08 team and UNIPV-Pavia '08 team, who's project was useful in determining our own equations.


[ A model for bacterial conjugal gene transfer on solid surfaces] and [ Rule-based modelling of conjugative plasmid transfer and incompatibility]