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How to run a complete simulation


The .pdb is generated from X-ray diffraction crystallography. This process requires a crystal of the protein, which occurs only at low temperature (~5°K). Taking this in consideration, we have to go through different steps to bring our protein to lab conditions.

Initial minimization

We start with a few minimization rounds, to reach a minmimum in the sens of potential energy.


When the protein is stable, we have to add heat (kinetic energy) to reach an higher temperature (~300°K). We have to take a special care not to add heat too fast resulting in protein burst.

First NPT

This is a relaxation step, with constant atom number, pressure and temperature. This is a kind of homogeneization of distribution of the atoms inside our box.


This is also a relaxation step, with constant atom number, volume and temperature.

Second NPT

Now we perform another relaxation NPT to reach lab conditions.

Final NPT

This is the final NPT, which ast much longer and gives us the ouput of the simulation.

.conf file

Initial minimization

This is quite easy to achieve, as NAMD has a specific keyword to run a simulation: minimize #OF_MINIMIZ_STEPS


We tried different protocol, but this one is the best: reassignTemp $temp_step ;# starting temp reassignIncr $temp_step ;# temp increment reassignHold 300 ;# final temp reassignFreq 100 ;# num timesteps to temp incr.