Team:Newcastle/Labwork/27 July 2009


Revision as of 15:11, 27 July 2009 by Goksel (Talk | contribs)

Lab Session 27/07/2009

Running the gel for RFP and GFP bioricks

Today we prepared the gel with 0.8% agorose for last week's rescued plasmids which contain RFP and GFP biobricks. The final solution was 500ml using 4 gr of agorose in total.

We mixed 9ul of DNas with 1ul of the buffer and centrifuged shortly. The rest of the DNAs are then put back to the freezer.

Finally we run the gel. We loaded the ladder to the first and fourth wells, GFP to the 2nd and RFP to the 3rd well and set the voltage to 120V which was then reduced to 90V.

Below are the images:

We checked the agar plates containing colonies of plasmids with five different biobricks from last week. The list of plates and the biobricks are below:

Plate BioBrick Number
Plate 1 Bba_C0056 1
Plate 2 Bba_B1002 2
Plate 3 Bba_?? 3
Plate 4 Bba_C0076 4
Plate 5 Bba_R0077 5

Expcept from plate 3, we had colonies formed in all plates.

Colonies from the plates were picked and mixed in a tube containing 5ml of LB. We prepared 12 tubes for 4 different biobricks. For each biobrick we labelled the tubes as A, B, and C. Finally we left them at shaking incubator overnight.

Preparation of the plates

We prepared the agar solutions are poured into the plates which are then placed into the fridge. The list of plates and their content are as below.

Content Number of plates
LB 4
LB + Amp 6
LB + Amp + Kan 5



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