Team:Newcastle/Project/Labwork/OurProtocols/Making Agar Plates


Revision as of 12:28, 14 August 2009 by Goksel (Talk | contribs)

Preparing the LB+agar powder

Mix the contents below to prepare the agar powder required to make 10L of agar solution

  • 100gr tryptoptan
  • 50gr yeast extract
  • 50gr NaCl
  • 150 gr agar

Mix the content very well before using the mixed powder

Preparing the LB+agar solution

To prepare 1L of LB+agar solution

  • Put 500 ml of distilled water to a tube
  • Put 400ml of distilled water to a tube and 35 gr of LB+agar powder. Top the tube up to 500ml with distilled water
  • Add 10ul of antifoam to LB+agar tube
  • Put the tubes for autoclaving for half an hour
  • Put the tube with LB+agar into 55C-60C water bath.
  • Put the water tube into the sink to cool it down.
  • If necessary, add the antibiotics to LB+agar tube after the tube cools down.
  • Mix both tubes throughly
  • Pour the plates using roughly 25ml of the solution for each Petri dish using the aseptic technique



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