Mutagenesis Primers Set Up
Purpose: To set up primers at the correct concentration to perform the QuikChange XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis.
- Primers have to be set up to have a concentration of 125 ng/µL. The primers were ordered from the synthesis lab at the University of Calgary
The following are the concentrations:
Primer | 260/280 | 260/230 | Concentration [ng/μL] | Reading/2.5 [ng/μL]
''luxCDABE-M-F | 1.52 | 2.33 | 409.5 | 163.8
''luxCDABE-M-R | 1.58 | 2.86 | 479.8 | 191.2
- Checked if we have NZY+ broth prepared (found in freezer).
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A Display for Quorum Sensing
I have returned to the avatar I made to sense a specific object and decided to use it to create a primitive quorum sensing system. To do so, it can no longer use the collision event in order to detect the presence of another object, but will have to use a sensor instead. I have decided to abandon the script to attach the object to a user’s original avatar and work on getting the sensor event to work for me. This will involve:
- Creating a variable to keep track of how many of the same objects are around each other. This may be determined by detecting the names of the objects around them
- Determining the range of the sensor so that the bacteria do not sense each other so easily that the point of what they are doing is lost
- Have the bacteria glow in response to a threshold level of bacteria. I will most likely have the bacteria as a display so I would like to keep them within a certain area, most likely in a small section of the synthetic kingdom
- Organize an explanatory note card for the quorum sensing bacteria
I have also begun planning out a restriction digest activity, which I will continue to work on tomorrow.
Researched on the reaction rates of various reactions, such as the binding affinity of AI-2 to LuxP.
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