Team:Newcastle/Labwork/28 August 2009


Revision as of 17:47, 30 August 2009 by Goksel (Talk | contribs)


Stochastic Switch team


Today the pSB1AT3 DNA fragment cut fron the gel yesterday was purified using the gel fragment cleaning kit, and as well as this a PCR was carried out with both the ara primers on Bacillus genomic DNA, and the sspb primers on E.coli genomic DNA prepared yesterday. We expected to see a ~170bp band for the ara regulatory sequence, and a ~570bp band for the sspb coding sequence.

We also continued to extraxt the plasmid backbone, pSB1AT3, cut with EcoRI and SpeI sites from the gel.


PCR was carried out with both the ara primers on Bacillus genomic DNA, and the sspb primers on E.coli genomic DNA prepared yesterday. We expected to see a ~170bp band for the ara regulatory sequence, and a ~570bp band for the sspb coding sequence. The Metal team were also doing PCR work today so we made our solutions as a whole to save time and resources. Overall there were 10 reactions.

We did our two PCRs as well as negative controls that contained everything other than the genomic DNA.

  • Firstly the primers had to be rehydrated and put into Phil's primer database. The primers are rehydrated in PCR water. the volume of this is 5X the 'Amount Of Oligo' (nM) which can be found on the IDT datasheet for every oligo sent to us.
  • To put them into the primer database, the name must be entered, as well as the sequence, number of bp and company used. (Ask Chris to log onto the database.) The primer number can be written on the blue cap.
  • After rehydration 10ul of primer can be aliquoted into separate eppendorfs from the original tube sent. This means that the original tube probably won't have to be reopened again, and can be put into storage in the primer box in the -20 freezer. The 10ul aliquots can then be diluted again to 1:10, by adding 90ul PCR water. After use the primer aliquots can be put into a separate box in the -20 also (iGEM Diluted primers 1:10).
  • As there were 10 reactions overall we made up 180ul of buffer mix (sufficient for 10 reactions +2 as the protocol suggests)


    • 60ul dNTPs
    • 60ul buffer
    • 60ul DMSO

These can be found in the 'stock solutions' box in the -20 freezer.

  • We then diluted the taq Polymerase sufficient for our 10 reactions at 1 Unit per reaction. The taq stock is 5U/ul, therefore we used 3ul (enough for 15 reactions)of stock solution and 12ul PCR water.
  • We entered all of our volumes of our solutions on a PCR Experiment sheet. The volume of water can be calculated by making the final volume up to 50ul.
  • We labelled 4 PCR eppendorfs and added this appropriate amount of PCR water.
  • Next 15ul of buffer mix was added.
  • Next the primers were added- take care and keep reading the labels!
  • Next the template DNA was added to the 2 tubes that are NOT controls.
  • 1ul of the taq polymerase solution was added- to avoid mistakes this can be added to the master buffer solution instead.

The final solutions can be put into the PCR machine and the appropriate program set.

The PCR products can then be run on a gel which we did in the afternoon.

DNA Extraction

We solved the gel from yesterday and extracted the plasmid backbone. The gel was solved in 552ul(184*3) of gel solubilization solution. We left the tube containing the mix in 55C hot water bath for 10 minutes and vortexed every three minutes. We used two collection tubes and added 184 ul of isopropanol, 700ul of wash solution and 50ul of elute for each tube at the relevant steps. The first collection tube had 700ul of the sollved gel whereas teh second one had 450ul. 110ul of Elute was placed in an eppendorf tube and preheated in 65C prior to use. After adding the elute we left the tubes on the bench for a minute to incubate before the centriguge. We got 100ul of DNA from the first tube and 80ul of from the second tube. We hen combined the tubes measred the DNA concentration and placed them to -20 fridge where midipreps are stores.

DNA Concentration

Concentration of the DNA was measured as 12ng/ul using the spectrophotometer We took the eppendorf tube containing 184mg of gel from the fridge.

Team Newcastle iGEM 2009 28-08-09 DNA 1.png



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