Team:Newcastle/Meetings/30 September 2009


Revision as of 14:02, 30 September 2009 by Babyneurone (Talk | contribs)
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23 September 2009 - iGEM Meeting

Note meeting moved one day forward, from the 24th.
  • Chair: Hanny
  • Students: Jess, James, Mat, Arun, Hanny
  • Minutes: Arun
  • Instructors: Jen, Neil
  • Advisors: Morgan


  • Lab plan for Hanny, Goksel, and anyone else available
  • Lab summary
  • Review last week's action points
  • Questions

Last Week's Action Points

  • Ask to Collin Hardwood's lab for pMutin4 primers
  • Design sequencing primers for gfp-rrnb
  • Contact to Nigel Robinson to use his lab and the electromicroscope
  • Citate the papers in the wiki for metal sensing. Quote short sentences where necessary.
  • Write an email to Pete Lee at the end of our presentation
  • Design the tshirts and send the designs to the printing company.
  • Integration vector needs to be finished
  • Register to ESTA
  • Make a request for variance for gfp-rrnb and Genarts' plasmid. Send their genbank files to iGEM and ask if we can use them. GenArt is already an iGEM sponsor and it should be reasonable to accept it. When asking about this permission make sure we say we have biobrick prefixes and suffixes anyway. Ask for the list of approved vectors. Done.
  • Copy the genbank files of the plasmids to Dropbox. Done?
  • Send an email for Track selection selecting three of them in order of preference. So the list will be Environment, Information Processing,... Done.
  • Write the abstract and send it to instructors before next Tuesday. Do not use more than what is asked(150 words?) State the problem we are tackling and our approach. Done.
  • Team roster is due on 18th Sep. Done.
  • Remind to Neil and Jen to finalize the team rosters. Done.
  • Finish everything until October 15th, send the biobricks, enter all the information
  • Learn who can enter the parts on the registry. Does it have to be instructors? (Goksel)


  • "Bug" checked on websites
  • need to update Goksel and Hanny on monday
  • design sequencing primers for pMutin4 and GFP-rrnB
  • make some changes on t-shirt designs: restriction sites
  • 11 person's name on t-shirts : NEIL, JEN, MORGAN, MATT, MATHEW, GOKSEL, ARUN, JESSICA, HANNY, JAMES
  • can't spend more than 20 pounds per t-shirt
  • have to do ESTA by tonight
  • lead on WIKI is Mat
  • lead on POSTER/BUG/T-SHIRT is Jess
  • lead on TALK is Arun
  • lead on REGISTRY entries is Goksel
  • lead on MODELLING is James
  • lead on LAB WORK are Goksel and Hanny
  • come up with a date for 1st draft of talk for Sunderland and Neil's research group
  • iGEM practice talk scheduled on the 23rd of october
  • try to polish the talk before the practice sessions
  • make a page on the wiki about ethic issues
  • fill Valencia's questionnaire
  • update timeline
  • need to give posters well in advance for printing
  • for the talk, leave a few slides for characterisation
  • get Hanny guest student card



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