Team:Newcastle/Meetings/19 February 2009
Revision as of 12:41, 16 June 2009 by TubularWorld (Talk | contribs)
Contents |
19/02/2009 - IGEM Meeting
Agenda of the Meeting
- Previous action points discussed
- Discuss about the timeline briefly
- Questions to ask
- Who books hotels/flights? Neil and Jen
- Who completes and submits project summary form? Neil and Jen
- What is track selection and who does it? A theme for our project to fit into- we all have input
- Finding sponsors, could this be done at Easter? see below
- For future ref what size is poster normally A1 or A0? A0
- Discuss ideas for iGEM project (main point of today's meeting)
Minutes of the Meeting
- Meeting started at 4.30pm
- Discussed action points from last week- all were carried out with the exception of registration and design of wiki front page as registration does not seem to be open. These points are carried forward to next week
- Went through each date on the timeline in detail
- There will be 2 more students, which gives the opportunity of funding- Neil and Jen have been looking at funding and this is on track, any extra would be beneficial but not essential.
- Discussed reuirements for Gold- Helping another team- this could be a new team or one we've helped before- Edinburgh
- Improving a biobrick part- this requires labwork- look at which previous parts have not been characterised and try to fit them in to our project if possible this will save time and money. We could break down separate bits of funding, T-shirts, poster etc.
- Discussed ideas and scored them for feasibility- Green /Amber/ Red...
Action Points
- Register Team- Neil and Jen
- Design and upload front page for wiki after registration
- Make a shortlist of ideas discussed today for next week- All
- Morgan could give us a mediawiki tutorial- decide when we need this and ask Morgan (Timeline)
- Neil and Jen could also give us a biobrick tutorial and lab refreshers- needs preparation (Timeline)
- Put revision period on timeline
- Put model refinement on timeline- after labwork
- Put lab refresher on timetable
- Add Leonard and Daniel to mailing list - Jen
- Need to consider rationale for our ideas -All
- Need to familiarise ourselves with sequencing programs (timeline)
- Book room for next week- Goksel/Neil
- Hightlight the tasks that cannot be pushed in the timeline
Things to remember for later
- Take cameras into lab for photos for the wiki.
- If poss when designing wiki try and make it look like its not a wiki- look at other team's wikis for ideas.
- 20 – 21 June 2009 - Europe workshop (London)
- 23 – 24 June 2009 - UK iGEM meetup (Edinburgh)
- 23 October Practice Presentation (Newcastle)
- 23 October T-shirts are ready
- 27 October Practice Presentation (Sunderland)
- 27 October Poster is ready
- 30 October – 2 November 2009 - Jamboree (Boston)
Social Net
- Newcastle iGEM Twitter
- [ Newcastle on Facebook]
- [ Newcastle Youtube Channel]