Team:Newcastle/Meetings/30 September 2009


Revision as of 10:32, 8 October 2009 by MJR09 (Talk | contribs)


23 September 2009 - iGEM Meeting

Note meeting moved one day forward, from the 24th.
  • Chair: Arun
  • Students: James, Mat, Arun, Hanny
  • Minutes: Mat
  • Instructors: Jen, Neil
  • Advisors: Morgan


  • General News
  • Review last week's action points
  • Lab summary (Goksel and Hanny)
  • Wiki (Mat)
  • Presentation (Arun)
  • Poster (Jess)
  • Modelling (James)
  • T-shirt/Marketing (Jess)
  • Questions

Last Week's Action Points

  • Need to update Goksel and Hanny on monday at internal meeting - done
  • Design sequencing primers for pMutin4 and GFP-rrnB - not done
  • Make some changes on t-shirt designs: restriction sites (Hanny)
  • 11 person's name on t-shirts : NEIL, JEN, MORGAN, MATT, MATHEW, GOKSEL, ARUN, JESSICA, HANNY, JAMES, JANE
  • Ask Dan if he wants DAN or DANIEL
  • Everyone needs to do ESTA
  • Create a page on the wiki about ethics
  • Fill Valencia's questionnaire
  • Update timeline (James)
  • Get Hanny guest student card
  • Search for other websites for those green "bugs" (Jess)
  • Contact Nigel Robinson to use his lab and the electronmicroscope
  • Citate the papers in the wiki for metal sensing. Quote short sentences where necessary.


General News

  • Jane has returned
  • Goksel and Hanny in labs; rest of team are working on wiki, presentation, poster, etc.
  • Goksel to send DNA off to the Parts Registry

Last Week's Action Points

  • Need to update Goksel and Hanny on Monday at internal meeting
    • Done! Had internal meeting on Monday and discussed lab details.

  • Design sequencing primers for pMutin4 and GFP-rrnB
    • Still ongoing
    • Arun has been assigned the task.

  • Make some changes on t-shirt designs: restriction sites
    • Hanny was assigned this task
    • The t-shirt has been modified and is ready to submit to printing companies

  • 11 person's name on t-shirts : NEIL, JEN, MORGAN, MATT, MATHEW, GOKSEL, ARUN, JESSICA, HANNY, JAMES, JANE - are they right?
    • All correct

  • Ask Dan if he wants DAN or DANIEL
    • Dan had told Matthew Pocock that he prefers "Dan" rather than "Daniel"

  • Everyone needs to do ESTA
    • Everyone apart from Matt Pocock has done so

  • Create a page on the wiki about ethics
    • Mathew has been assigned the task
    • Needs to read articles by Jane Calvert from Edinburgh University as well as some of Prof. Wipat's PhD thesis.
    • Also could use data from Edinburgh trip (iGEM meet-up)

  • Fill in Valencia's questionnaire
    • Everyone in team needs to fill it in

  • Update timeline
    • James has updated it

  • Get Hanny guest student card
    • Not as yet - Hanny needs to remind Neil and Jen

  • Search for other websites for those green "bugs"
    • Jess assigned to task - unsure of progress as she is absent from meeting

  • Contact Nigel Robinson to use his lab and the electron microscope
    • Not done yet
    • Mathew has now been assigned task

  • Citate the papers in the wiki for metal sensing. Quote short sentences where necessary
    • Ongoing



Social Net

  • Newcastle iGEM Twitter
  • [ Newcastle on Facebook]
  • [ Newcastle Youtube Channel]