Contents |
Job description
This section is needed are we trying to keep track of each run, please put type of simulation, pdb loaded, date, time and your name
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- # NPT simul
- # 2v0u in a water box
- # 12.08.09
- # 14:00
- # Nicolas Gobet
Adjustable parameters
First run
This is an example for the heating.
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- structure ./2v0up_wb_i.psf
- coordinates ./2v0up_wb_i.pdb
- set paramfich ./common/par_all27_prot_lipid-fmn_dark.prm
- set temperature 300
- #initial temperature
- temperature $temperature
- set outputdir ./output_eq3
- set outputname $outputdir/2v0up_wb_i_eq
- set outputmin $outputdir/min
- set outputheating $outputdir/heating
- set outputnpt1 $outputdir/NPT_1
- set outputnvt $outputdir/NVT_1
- set outputnpt2 $outputdir/NPT_2
Resume from .coord, .vel, .xsc
This is to resume from .coor, .vel and .xsc files. As we load velocities and positions from a file, we don't have to set initial temperature, load .pdb for postions of the atoms and set parameters such as box size
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- structure ./2v0up_wb_i.psf
- set paramfich ./common/par_all27_prot_lipid-fmn_dark.prm
- set temperature 300
- set inputdir ./output_eq2
- set inputname 2v0up_wb_i_eq
- coordinates $inputdir/$inputname.coor
- velocities $inputdir/$inputname.vel
- extendedSystem $inputdir/$inputname.xsc
- set outputdir ./output_sim2
- set outputname $outputdir/2v0up_wb_i_sim
- set outputsim $outputdir/min
Simulation parameters
First run
This part is from a heating .conf. The size of the box and origin has to be adjusted. PMEGridSize parameters have to be adjusted to be higher than the size of the box and be a multiple of 2, 3 and 5. (please refer to tutorial)
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- firsttimestep 0
- # Input
- paraTypeCharmm on
- parameters $paramfich
- # Force-Field Parameters
- exclude scaled1-4
- 1-4scaling 1.0
- cutoff 12.
- switching on
- switchdist 10.
- pairlistdist 13.5
- # Integrator Parameters
- # We use timestep of 2.0 only for heating!!!!!! Any other case is 1.0
- timestep 2.0
- rigidBonds all ;# needed for 2fs steps
- nonbondedFreq 1
- fullElectFrequency 2
- stepspercycle 10
- # Constant Temperature Control
- langevin on ;# do langevin dynamics
- langevinDamping $temperature ;# damping coefficient (gamma) of 5/ps
- langevinTemp $temperature # je viens de changer, foiruex avant
- langevinHydrogen off ;# don't couple langevin bath to hydrogens
- # Periodic Boundary Conditions
- cellBasisVector1 63.39 0. 0.
- cellBasisVector2 0. 65.404 0.
- cellBasisVector3 0. 0 69.675
- cellOrigin 14.1049346924 3.42041158676 3.65775823593
- wrapAll on
- # PME (for full-system periodic electrostatics)
- PME yes
- PMEGridSizeX 66
- PMEGridSizeY 66
- PMEGridSizeZ 70
- # Constant Pressure Control (variable volume)
- useGroupPressure yes ;# needed for rigidBonds
- useFlexibleCell no ;# no for water box
- useConstantArea no ;# no for water box
- langevinPiston on
- langevinPistonTarget 1.01325 ;# in bar -> 1 atm
- langevinPistonPeriod 200.
- langevinPistonDecay 100.
- langevinPistonTemp $temperature
- # Output
- outputName $outputname
- restartfreq 500 ;# 500steps = every 1ps
- dcdfreq 200
- xstFreq 200
- outputEnergies 200
- outputPressure 200
- outputTiming 200
- binaryoutput off
Resume from .coord, .vel, .xsc
The only difference here is that we lower timestep for NPT simulation to copy parameters from Schulten's paper. Then, we don't set the size of the water box as it is loaded from the file and we lower the frequency of output. This is what you have to copy for a NPT simulation.
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- firsttimestep 0
- # Input
- paraTypeCharmm on
- parameters $paramfich
- # Force-Field Parameters
- exclude scaled1-4
- 1-4scaling 1.0
- cutoff 12.
- switching on
- switchdist 10.
- pairlistdist 13.5
- # Integrator Parameters
- timestep 1.0
- rigidBonds all ;# needed for 2fs steps
- nonbondedFreq 1
- fullElectFrequency 2
- stepspercycle 10
- # Constant Temperature Control
- langevin on ;# do langevin dynamics
- langevinDamping $temperature ;# damping coefficient (gamma) of 5/ps
- langevinTemp $temperature # je viens de changer, foiruex avant
- langevinHydrogen off ;# don't couple langevin bath to hydrogens
- # Periodic Boundary Conditions
- wrapAll on
- # PME (for full-system periodic electrostatics)
- PME yes
- PMEGridSizeX 50
- PMEGridSizeY 54
- PMEGridSizeZ 60
- # Constant Pressure Control (variable volume)
- useGroupPressure yes ;# needed for rigidBonds
- useFlexibleCell no ;# no for water box
- useConstantArea no ;# no for water box
- langevinPiston on
- langevinPistonTarget 1.01325 ;# in bar -> 1 atm
- langevinPistonPeriod 200.
- langevinPistonDecay 100.
- langevinPistonTemp $temperature
- # Output
- outputName $outputname
- restartfreq 2000 ;# 500steps = every 1ps
- dcdfreq 2000
- xstFreq 2000
- outputEnergies 2000
- outputPressure 2000
- outputTiming 2000
- binaryoutput off
Execution script
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- # run one step to get into scripting mode
- minimize 0
- # turn off until later
- langevinPiston off
- # Minimization
- minimize 2500
- reinitvels 5
- output $outputmin
- # heating NPT
- # langevin on
- for {set i 5} {$i <= $temperature} {incr i 5} { ;# i = 5, $i<300, incr i = 5
- set temperaturei $i
- langevinTemp $temperaturei
- langevinPistonTemp $temperaturei
- run 2000 ;# run 2000
- }
- #to be sure we are at the right temperature
- langevinTemp $temperature
- langevinPistonTemp $temperature
- output $outputheating
- # 1st equilibrate pression
- # NPT equilibration
- # langevin on
- langevinPiston on
- run 50000 ;# run 50000
- output $outputnpt1
- # NVT equilibration
- # langevin off
- langevinPiston off
- run 50000 ;# run 50000
- output $outputnvt
- # NPT equilibration
- langevinPiston on
- run 150000 ;# run 150000
- output $outputnpt2
NPT run
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- # run one step to get into scripting mode
- #minimize 0
- # NPT equilibration
- # langevin on
- #langevinPiston on
- run 1000000 ;# run 1 ns
- output $outputsim