

Revision as of 09:22, 29 July 2009 by TubularWorld (Talk | contribs)


Our Project

Project Overview

Please see the Project Overview page

Our quest to genetically engineer Bacillus subtilis to take up, detect and ultimately sequester the heavy metal cadmium is both an exciting and complex operation. Read this article to learn more about the biological systems which can make this project work.

Lab Work

Please see the Labwork page

Read this section as we try and prove the underlying concepts to our project in lab experiments.


Please see the Cadmium page

The aim of our project is centred around the sequestration of cadmium; but what is cadmium and why is it important that we isolate it from the environment? Read the article to find out more

Bacillus subtilis

Please see the Bacillus subtilis page



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