

Revision as of 10:48, 24 August 2009 by KateH (Talk | contribs)

Our Sponsors

University of Queensland Alumni

UQ Alumni Friends Inc.
The Alumni Friends of the University of Queensland Inc. have generously donated the UQ-Australia IGEM team $10,000 for the establishment of a dedicated IGEM laboratory.

School of Biomedical Sciences

School of Biomedical Science
The School of Biomedical Science (SBMS) at UQ has provided invaluable financial support and guidance for the UQ-Australia IGEM team.

Professor Brian Key

Prof. Brian Key
Professor Brian Key has been very generous and supportive to the UQ-Australia IGEM team.

Dean of the Faculty of Science

Professor Stephen Walker
The Dean of the Faculty of Science (UQ), Prof. Stephen Walker,has been most generous in his support of the UQ-Australia IGEM team.


Invitrogen offers the broadest range of reagents for scientific research of any brand in the world. Its innovative reagents are used in all major areas of biological discovery including functional genomics, proteomics, stem cells, cell therapy and cell biology.

Phil Long

Professor Philip Long
Professor Philip Long has been a key supporter of the UQ-Australia IGEM team and an invaluable contact from MIT.