EPF-Lausanne/17 August 2009

From 2009.igem.org


17 August 2009

Wet Lab

Colony PCR of the plate from Saturday 15 august ("Readout 1", LovTap-Term get with many different methods and some LacI-RBS-LovTap-Term)

Result : Only our LovTap-Term biobrick in E1010 plasmid worked, but all clones had the right plasmid!!

For the second project (R-Bphp), we did a Colony PCR on the wild strains we received. The goal is to use these products for digestion and insertion in an iGEM plasmid. The concentration after purification of the PCR products are in the second lab book p.12. The PCR products are : RPppsR1, RPppsR2, RPpbèh-HumO, BrppsR1, BrppsR2, Brbphp, BrhumO.

Liquid culture (in LB medium) of the first 4 clones of "Readout 2" and the OD was check. This read out turn the RFP on if there is some LovTap in the light state or if there is some Tryptophane. As the LB contain tryptophan, all our cells expressed RFP (we could see the red fluorescence on a microscope and also we mesured the signal in a Q-PCR machiune).

Ligation and transformation of the "Readout 1" (TrpOp in I13507 plasmid) , our T7, LacLP and LacI biobricks into a E1010 plasmid.

People in the lab

Nath, Basile, Gab, Christian, Heidi