

The Team

Our Team At A Glance

Our team!

Welcome to the website of the iGEM Groningen team! We are an interdisciplinary team of 11 enthusiastic students from the [ University of Groningen] situated in the not-too-big city of [ Groningen] in [,6.689459&sspn=0.007261,0.018926&ie=UTF8&z=12&iwloc=A the north of the Netherlands]. You can contact us by mail.

Our team consists of the following student-members:

Our advisors

  • prof. dr. Oscar Kuipers: [ Molecular Genetics] (Head)
  • prof. dr. Jan Kok: [ Molecular Genetics]
  • prof. dr. Bert Poolman: Biochemistry; [ Centre for Synthetic Biology] (Director)
  • prof. dr. Roel Bovenberg: Synthetic biology and Cell engineering; Corporate Scientist Biotechnology, [ DSM]
  • dr. Dirk Slotboom: Enzymology
  • iGEM Groningen 2008. Especially Auke van Heel & Martijn Herber

Where to hear from us

In the media

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Where to meet us

  • December 15th 2009: Short presentation @ [ Studium Generale] - Groningen
  • December 11th 2009: Meeting @ [ DSM] - [,0,8723601113946313921&ei=B_jSSrqHIcTz-QbZsNT7Ag&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CAoQnwIwAA Delft]
  • November 23rd 2009: Meeting @ student societies for [ Chemistry] and [ Math, Physics, Computer Science and Astronomy]
  • October 30th to November 2nd 2009: Presentation @ The iGEM 2009 Jamboree - [ MIT Stata] in Cambridge, MA
  • October 26th 2009: Lecture @ [ Hanze University], Biology & Medical Laboratory Research and Bioinformatics students - room A257 [,+9747+Groningen&gl=nl&ei=wwHPSor9A4OF-QaTkL2FAw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1 Zernikeplein 11, Groningen]
  • October 28th 2009: Update Lecture @ the Bachelor course [ Genes & Behaviour] - [ Haren]
  • October 19th 2009: [ Colloquium] @ [ Institute for Mathematics and Computing Science] - [ room 5161.0267 (Bernoulliborg), Groningen]
  • October 12th 2009: Meeting @ Marine Biology cluster - [ D225, Haren]
  • October 7th 2009: Lecture @ the Bachelor course [ Genes & Behaviour] - [ D225, Haren]
  • October 2nd 2009: Lunch meeting @ [ DHV] - [,+Amersfoort&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=54.357317,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Laan+1914+35,+3818+Amersfoort,+Utrecht,+Nederland&ll=52.134107,5.36828&spn=0.010405,0.01929&t=h&z=16&iwloc=r3 Groene zaal DHV, Amersfoort]
  • October 1st 2009: Lunch meeting @ Life Science student society [ GLV Idun] - [ Groene Zaal, Haren]
  • September 29th 2009: Meeting @ Applied physics student society [ TFV Professor Francken] - [ NCC complex VIP Room building 16, Groningen]
  • September 24th 2009: Presentation @ 2nd Programme Day of the [ Kluyver Centre] - [,+6703+Wageningen&gl=nl&ei=giXDSvfgDcrI-Qa53ojvCw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1 Wageningse Berg, Wageningen]
  • September 11th 2009: Presentation @ [ 17th Annual] [ GBB] Symposium 2009 - [,+9711+EK+Groningen&fb=1&gl=nl&hq=Hampshire+hotel&hnear=Groningen+Radesingel+50,+9711+EK+Groningen&cid=0,0,5400363645623663183&ei=eybDSq-jNojj-Qbz1PXuCw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1 Hampshire hotel, Groningen]

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